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The Interfraternity, Multicultural Greek, National Pan-Hellenic, and Panhellenic Councils serve a unique role in the fraternity and sorority community at Penn State. These governing bodies determine policies, procedures, rules, and standards for the fraternity and sorority chapters that fall under their purview. There are currently four governing councils at the University Park campus.


In order for a fraternity or sorority to operate at Penn State, they must be recognized as an affiliate group of their inter/national fraternity or sorority, otherwise known as a chapter. Penn State fraternities and sororities also maintain recognition with the University by upholding the chapter standing for fraternity and sorority chapters.

List of Organizations & Councils

The organizations and councils listed below currently hold recognition from the University and are in good standing unless otherwise noted.

Organization NameGreek LettersConduct Status
Acacia Conduct probation until August 12, 2024
Alpha Chi RhoΑΧΡ 
Alpha Delta PhiAΔΦ 
Alpha Epsilon PiΑΕΠ 
Alpha Gamma RhoΑΓΡSuspended through August 12, 2024 for failure to comply with a directive or condition and other university policy violations; the national fraternity has agreed to facilitate educational opportunities for individual students who wish to continue membership with the group following the period of suspension
Alpha Kappa LambdaΑΚΛ 
Alpha Phi DeltaΑΦΔ 
Alpha Rho ChiΑΡΧ 
Alpha Sigma PhiAΣΦ 
Alpha Tau OmegaΑΤΩ 
Alpha ZetaΑΖ 
Beta Sigma BetaΒΣΒ 
Chi PhiΧΦConduct probation until December 19, 2025
Delta ChiΔΧConduct probation until December 23, 2024
Delta Sigma PhiΔΣΦConduct probation until May 10, 2027
Delta Theta SigmaΔΘΣ 
Delta UpsilonΔΥ 
Lambda Chi AlphaΛΧΑConduct probation until December 23, 2024
Phi Gamma DeltaFIJI 
Phi Kappa PsiΦΚΨ 
Phi Kappa ThetaΦΚΘConduct probation until May 12, 2025
Phi Sigma KappaΦΣΚOrganization is permitted to engage in limited activities through summer 2024, including only education or development opportunities approved by the University; Loss of organizational privilege to recruit new members during the spring 2024 semester; Loss of organizational privilege to host or co-host events with or without alcohol through spring 2024 semester; Conduct probation until December 22, 2025
Pi Kappa PhiΠKΦConduct probation until May 12, 2025
Sigma Alpha EpsilonΣΑΕConduct probation until May 11, 2026
Sigma Phi EpsilonΣΦΕConduct probation until December 23, 2024
Sigma PiΣΠ 
Tau Epsilon PhiΤΕΦOrganization is permitted to engage in limited activities through fall 2024, including only education or development opportunities approved by the University; Loss of organizational privilege to recruit new members during the spring 2024 semester; Loss of organizational privilege to host or co-host events with or without alcohol through fall 2024 semester; Conduct probation until May 10, 2027
Tau Kappa EpsilonΤΚΕ 
Tau Phi DeltaΤΦΔ 
Theta ChiΘΧ 
Theta Delta ChiΘΔΧSuspended through spring 2025 semester for failure to comply with a directive or condition and other university policy violations; the national fraternity has agreed to facilitate educational opportunities for individual students who wish to continue membership with the group following the period of suspension; Conduct probation until May 10, 2027
Zeta Beta TauΖΒΤ 
Organization NameGreek LettersConduct Status
Alpha Delta PiAΔΠ 
Alpha Omicron PiAΟΠ 
Alpha Phi 
Alpha Sigma AlphaΑΣΑ 
Alpha Xi DeltaAΞΔ 
Delta GammaΔΓ 
Delta Phi EpsilonΔΦΕ 
Delta ZetaΔΖ 
Gamma Phi BetaΓΦΒ 
Kappa Alpha ThetaΚΑΘ 
Kappa DeltaΚΔ 
Kappa Kappa GammaΚΚΓ 
Omega Phi AlphaΩΦΑ 
Phi Sigma RhoΦΣΡ 
Phi Sigma SigmaΦΣΣ 
Pi Beta PhiΠΒΦ 
Sigma AlphaΣΑ 
Sigma Delta TauΣΔΤ 
Sigma KappaΣΚ 
Sigma Sigma SigmaΣΣΣ 
Zeta Tau AlphaΖΤΑ