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Voting in local, state, and national elections is an exciting opportunity to participate in our democracy and use your voice to shape the future.

Students have the choice to vote in their hometown or in their university community whether they live on or off campus. It’s your choice to decide where your voice will have the most impact!

Faculty & staff play an important role as well in the education and support of student voting using official websites and verified resources.

Below, you’ll find a list of trusted resources that ensure you’re ready to vote wherever and however works best for you this election season.

Step 1: Register to Vote Now

Registering to vote is the first step in any voting process. There are several things to consider when you register to vote, including whether you’d like to vote from your university or hometown address.

Critical dates for voting in Pennsylvania

  • Last day to register before the November primary election
    Monday, October 21, 2024
  • Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot
    Tuesday, October 29, 2024
  • General Election
    Tuesday, November 5, 2024

    Visit Vote411 for deadlines in other states

Step 2: Make a plan to vote

Your voting plan is crucial to ensuring that you're prepared and ready to vote in the days (or weeks if voting by mail) before Election Day.

Students canoeing on Lake Perez at Stone Valley

What to consider when making a plan to vote

  • What times to the polls open and close?
  • When will you have the time to vote?
  • Do you need to bring anything with you? ID?
  • How do you plan to get to your polling place if you can't walk?
  • Voting by mail? What key information do you need?

Step 3: VOTE!

You've done the work, now it's time to make your voice heard. 

  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 5 if you plan to vote in person.

Tips for voting day

  • Double check your polling location
  • Verify poll open and closure times
  • Have a plan on how to get to your polling location
  • Don't forget! As long as you are in line when polls close you can still vote.
Students canoeing on Lake Perez at Stone Valley

Get Involved

PSU Votes Ambassador

PSU Votes Ambassadors are an important part of Penn State's nonpartisan PSU Votes program and help develop initiatives and materials to engage students in the voting process in coordination with the PSU Votes Advisory Committee.

Ambassadors educate their peers on how to register to vote, how to acquire nonpartisan information on candidates and issues, and the process of voting. Ambassadors provide brief presentations and workshops in classes, student organization meetings, and residence hall communities. They also provide tabling and other opportunities for voter registration and education at events and locations on and off campus.

Ambassadors are expected to dedicate at least 30 hours per semester to PSU Votes activities and training.

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Faculty and Staff can support student voting

As faculty and staff members, you are some of the most trusted voices on campus. We know you can’t always “know it all”; find curated resources that to access throughout the year on how to encourage voting, info sheets, guidance, and more.


103 HUB-Robeson Center
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-4624
