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The Penn State Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is a program of Student Affairs that supports students in recovery from alcohol and other substance use disorders by providing ongoing support for major lifestyle changes, a commitment to help students in recovery find success at Penn State, and a community that reinforces healthy and sustainable habits of mind, body, and spirit.

Support for Addiction Recovery at Penn State

Are you or someone you know recovering from addiction? The Penn State Collegiate Recovery Community coordinates a wide range of activities and travel opportunities; offers academic advocacy, student conduct advocacy, admissions advocacy, and a supportive community.

We offer a weekly lunch and a weekly newcomers meeting.

The Collegiate Recovery Community has two affiliated organizations, a student group and an alumni group. 

Lions for Recovery

Affiliated student organization: WE ARE a student-run group dedicated to supporting the recovery community at Penn State through personal growth, service, and social activities. To join Lions for Recovery, Contact Meredith at

Lions for Recovery Website

Lions for Recovery Facebook 

Lions in Recovery

Our affiliated alumni group.  Lions in Recovery's mission is to support Penn State students in recovery after they graduate, to encourage all members of the Penn State recovery community, to provide a social and professional network, to support initiatives that help students suffering from addictions and to foster a sense of pride in the University and the Penn State Alumni Association.

Lions in Recovery Website


106 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-0140

Email: contact the coordinator