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Penn State encourages reporting misconduct. If you see something, say something. Penn State has different resources to report different types of misconduct.  Most reporting options offer the ability to report anonymously.

If you feel like you or someone else is in immediate danger, please contact University Police at 814-863-1111 or call 911.

If you have been subjected to or witness to an act of bias, intolerance, sexual assault, harassment, hazing, or other act Penn State strongly encourages you to report the incident. If you are unsure of how to report, any of our Student Affairs offices can help you get to the right place. Many reporting options are anonymous. However, make sure to read each form carefully to understand how specific reports are handled.  

A Note About Retaliation

The University strictly prohibits retaliation against an individual who makes a good faith report of suspected wrongful conduct or participates in an investigation, hearing, inquiry or court proceeding involving suspected wrongful conduct at the University. We encourage you to report any incident of retaliation you experience or witness.
Protection from Retaliation (Policy AD67)

Not sure if you want to make a report? You are still entitled to receive confidential and free emotional support and medical care through the University, as well as request changes to your academic, housing, transportation and working situations. Many of our offices offer confidential support so you can talk to someone who can help you understand your options. 


120 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Phone: 814-867-0099
