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We are committed to supporting an equitable living, learning, and working environment that affirms the dignity, worth, and value of all members of the Penn State community. We strive to create a campus culture that allows for openness, respect, and safety; an environment in which those with diverse attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors feel included and can thrive.

Intercultural Engagement & Community

Various units at Penn State strive to enrich the cultural experiences of our students through leadership opportunities, educational programming, community engagement, and identity expression while also supporting the navigation of the larger University community. 

LGBTQ+ Community

The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) provides a comprehensive range of education, information, and advocacy services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. They work to create and maintain an open, safer, and inclusive environment honoring gender and sexual diversity.

Gender Equity and Prevention Work

The Relationship Violence Outreach, Intervention, and Community Education (R-VOICE) Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. The center also provides educational resources and programming around gender-related issues for the Penn State community as well as opportunities for students to get involved in gender equity work. 

Spiritual and Faith Community

The largest multi-faith center of its kind in the country, The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development at Penn State. The center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.

Adult Learner and Veteran Community

Penn State has a variety of offices that support non-traditional undergraduate students and veterans. The Office of Adult Learner Programs and Services, provides advocacy, mentorship, programming, and helpful resources during a student's educational journey.

International Community

Penn State Global Programs manages education abroad programs, hosts international students and scholars, and facilitates the University's many international partnerships around the world. 

Disability and Access

Student Disability Resources supports students by exploring individualized reasonable accommodations for equal access, facilitating peer interactions and study space, connecting with on- and off-campus resources, and promoting disability as an important aspect of diversity.

Community and Belonging Resources for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff can find resources for supporting students, incorporating community and belonging into their classrooms, and workshops or other resources to help them become better allies. 


Office of the Assistant Vice President
222 Boucke Building
288 Pollock Rd.
University Park, PA 16802

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