Health & Well-being Programs and Workshops
The health and well-being units in Student Affairs offer a range of workshops and programs for student organizations and academic classes.
Below is a list of the workshops that you can request from Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW), Campus Recreation, University Health Services (UHS), and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
You will find links below to each unit’s webpage where you can submit a formal request.
- Please submit your request at least two weeks before the program date.
Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based, early-intervention course that teaches campus community members like yourself about mental health and substance use challenges.
Identify. Understand. Respond.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an eight-hour program that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use concerns, and gives you the skills to reach out and provide initial help and support. Role playing and simulations are used to demonstrate and practice skills for identifying and responding to mental health concerns and crises.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training
Just like CPR, Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is an emergency response to someone experiencing a mental health crisis and can save lives.
Question. Persuade. Refer.
In a 90-minute (1.5 hour) QPR training course you will learn common causes of suicidal behavior, the warning signs of suicide, how to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis, and more.
Health Promotion and Wellness
Our goal is to provide you with education and resources to live your healthiest. Connect with Health Promotion and Wellness for a variety of programs about mindful and balanced living. Topics can include:
- Alcohol Workshop (60 minutes, professional staff)
- How to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder (90 minutes, professional staff)
- Flourish Penn State: Live Well, Learn Well Workshop (50 minutes, professional staff)
- Mindfulness and Compassion Workshop (60 minutes, professional staff)
- Got Sleep? (50 minutes, peer education staff)
- Mission: Nutrition (50 minutes, peer education staff)
- Safer Sex Party (50 minutes, peer education staff)
- Stress Less (50 minutes, peer education staff)
Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation facilities and programs serve our students, faculty, staff, and community with a diverse offering of wellbeing opportunities to enhance the student experience at University Park.
- Request a Fitness and Well-being workshop
- Request a custom group program or outdoor trip with Outdoor Adventures
- Email for information about custom group swim lessons with Aquatics
- Email to request a customized CPR certification class
- Email to request a tour, presentation or resource fair table representative with a date and time for confirmation
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS offers psychoeducational services to the campus community focused on mental health awareness and prevention efforts, as well as group-level support and response to critical events affecting the campus community. Program topics can include:
- Mood Management
- Nurture your nature
- Harm reduction and balance
- Life rhythms
- Understanding self and others
- Coping with change
University Health Services
University Health Services (UHS) is your comprehensive on-campus health care resource. We provide preventative care, education, and resources to help students live a healthy lifestyle.
- Navigating Your Health Care While at Penn State (50 minutes)
- Breast Cancer 101: Life Saving Tips (50 minutes)
- Handwashing: The BASICS (30 minutes)
- STIs - Removing Stigma (50 minutes)
- Lets’ Talk About Sex – Open Forum (90 minutes)
- Sexual Health Trends on College Campuses (50 minutes)
- Your Body Your Choice: Understanding Birth Control (50 minutes)
- What you should know about Testicular Cancer (45 minutes)
- CONSENT: A Building Block to Health Relationships (50 minutes)
- BOUNDARIES: Another Building Block to Health Relationships (50 minutes)
- Menstrual/Mental Hygiene (50 minutes)
- Gratitude (60 minutes)