Find Support for:
College is exciting and challenging for non-traditional undergraduate students. Whether you are coming back after having been out of school for several years, or this is your first college semester, we want to help you navigate campus resources that will complement your academic, personal, and career goals.
210 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-7378
Email: Contact the coordinator
Welcome to Campus Recreation
Our people are our greatest asset. Our community is enriched by the commonalities and differences of everyone we serve. We invite you to work with us toward fostering a welcoming environment that enables all to thrive.
Campus Recreation facilities and programs serve our students, faculty, staff, and community with a diverse offering of well-being opportunities to enhance the student experience at University Park.
Facility Hours
For accurate facility hours members need to use the Campus Recreation app.
101 Intramural (IM) Building
679 Curtin Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-867-1600
Career Services is committed to offering a comprehensive array of programs and services that supports and facilitates career development for all students. Programs and resources are provided to assist students and alumni in specifying career goals, expanding knowledge of career alternatives, understanding effective decision making, and acquiring appropriate strategies and skills to carry out the process.
101 Bank of America Career Services Building
566 Eisenhower Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-2377
The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) provides a comprehensive range of information and advocacy services to all students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We work to create and maintain an open, safer, and inclusive environment honoring gender and sexual diversity. Through social and supportive programming, the CSGD strives to serve the entire Penn State community. Our staff is here to support you on your journey through Penn State.
Please stop by the center to say hello or engage with us virtually.
LL011 HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-1248
It takes us all to create actionable change and support student success by creating pathways to grow.
We're focused on building community by cultivating an inclusive and positive university climate, contributing to academic experiences by fostering students’ ability to think critically and define success on their own terms, providing students with resources to promote social justice, inclusion, and liberation at Penn State and around the world and facilitate students’ individual transformation and engagement.
204 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-0629
The largest multi-faith center of its kind in the country, The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development at Penn State. The center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.
111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center - Eisenhower Chapel
425 Allen Rd, Unit 1
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-6548
The Penn State Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is a program of Student Affairs that supports students in recovery from alcohol and other substance use disorders by providing ongoing support for major lifestyle changes, a commitment to help students in recovery find success at Penn State, and a community that reinforces healthy and sustainable habits of mind, body, and spirit.
106 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
425 Allen Rd, Unit 1
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-0140
Email: Contact the coordinator
We are dedicated to connecting students, faculty, staff, and the broader university community with engaging, impactful messaging and resources that support student success and enrich campus life.
203 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-1873
UBR Requests:
Counseling & Psychological Services
CAPS offers a wide range of services for undergraduate and graduate students, including:
- Wellness and self-help options
- Group, individual, and couples counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Psychiatric services
- Community education and outreach services for the University community.
- Training Opportunities
501 Student Health Center
542 Eisenhower Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: (814) 863-0395
University Park Locations Counseling at the Campuses
The mission of Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW) is to cultivate a community that supports student success, well-being, and the pursuit of lifelong health. Our staff and peer health educators provide the following one-on-one services. All services are free, unless otherwise indicated.
- Alcohol Education Service-BASICS
- Students who have a legal or policy violation are required to pay the program fee
- Students without a violation can self-refer without a charge
- Cannabis Education Service-CASECS
- Students who have a legal or policy violation are required to pay the program fee
- Students without a violation can self-refer without a charge
- Nicotine Cessation Services
- Nutrition Clinic
- Problem Gambling Service
- Wellness Services
- Got Sleep?
- Mind-Body Connection
- Mission: Nutrition
- Relationships 101
- Stress Less
We provide a range of educational workshops. Click here to learn more and request a workshop.
We have a peer education program called HealthWorks. Click here to learn more.
We also offer a series of free wellness events throughout the semester. Click here to learn more about our events and programs.
020 Intramural (IM) Building
679 Curtin Rd
University Park, PA 16802- Phone: 814-863-0461
- Alcohol Education Service-BASICS
As a center of University community life, the HUB-Robeson Center complements the academic experience by offering students opportunities in leadership, social responsibility, citizenship, volunteerism, and student employment. The HUB-Robeson Center provides a variety of cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs.
The HUB-Robeson Center encourages self-directed activities providing opportunities for individuals to recognize their own competencies, learn the dynamics of group activity, and understand their role as responsible citizens. The HUB-Robeson Center strives to provide an environment, which fosters respect, values all individuals, appreciates diversity, and celebrates the contributions of all its members.
HUB-Robeson Center
University Park, PA 16802Information Desk:
Off-Campus Student Support
Welcome to Off-Campus Student Support! We serve a diverse group of over 38,000 University Park students who live off-campus or are preparing to live off-campus.
We offer resources to help students:
- Decide whether to move off campus
- Find housing options or roommates
- Resolve problems with a roommate or landlord
- Find community services and resources
- Become an advocate for off-campus students
- Get involved in the State College community
- Learn about tenants' rights and responsibilities
222 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-2346
Fax: 814-863-0812Email:
Social fraternities and sororities at Penn State consists of a diverse group of men and women who help create smaller communities within the large university environment. Penn State's fraternities and sororities are committed to the basic principles of membership:
- Academic Achievement
- Service and Philanthropy
- Leadership
- Brotherhood and Sisterhood
- Social
- Alumni involvement
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life supports the active and alumni members of the Penn State fraternity and sorority community. The office provides resources to help the student leadership fulfill their mission.
215 HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-8065
Penn State is committed to fostering an environment free from sexual or gender-based harassment or misconduct. The Office of Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Response ensures compliance with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the sex or gender of employees and students. The University does not tolerate behaviors, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, as well as retaliation for reporting any of these acts. The University is also committed to providing support, resources, and services to those who may have been impacted by one of these incidents.
Amber Grove, Esq.
Title IX Coordinator
237 W. Beaver Ave Ste. 212
State College, PA 16801Email:
Submit an Online Report
The many offices under the Vice President for Student Affairs provide students with a web of support and opportunity outside the classroom.
206 Old Main
180 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-0909
The Paul Robeson Cultural Center provides programs and support services to encourage and cultivate the appreciation and celebration of the diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures of many under-represented communities at Penn State.
21 HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-3776
Email: Contact the PRCC
Welcome Parents and Families
The Penn State Parents Program welcomes you to the Penn State family. We look forward to supporting you as you support your student. We are here to partner with you to ensure your student's success by:
- Serving as a central University resource
- Enhancing parent and family involvement opportunities
- Providing information about the student experience at Penn State
- Communicating regularly with families
We invite you to contact our office with any questions or concerns.
219 Bank of America Career Services Building
566 Eisenhower Rd.
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-1313
Parent & Family Experience Newsletters About Us
Proactive. Effective. Comprehensive.
- Phone: 814-865-7000
- Email:
Penn State’s Relationship Violence Outreach, Intervention, and Community Education (R-VOICE) Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. In addition, the office works to educate the campus community about gender equity issues and to provide workshops and resources for the prevention of sexual violence.
222U Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd.
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-2027
Welcome to Residence Life. Our mission is to provide a safe, comfortable, secure and nurturing living-learning environment that is conducive to students' academic pursuits and personal growth while fostering a sense of community, civic responsibility and an appreciation of diversity.
Each residence hall/apartment area has student and professional staff members who live in the community and are available 24/7 to provide information and resources, offer help and support, plan social and educational activities, and address residents' concerns. Their goal is to assist residents in creating communities that are inclusive, engaging and caring.
Central Office
201 Johnston Commons
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-1710
Residence Hall Location Contacts
120 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-0342
Fax: 814-863-2463Email:
Make a Report Online
We support and challenge students as they expand learning beyond the classroom, develop personal and professional understanding and skills, and achieve the success they seek at Penn State and in their lives beyond. We also encourage a safe and healthy living and learning environment, in which students can explore endless interests, find their niche within the large and diverse Penn State community, and form lasting relationships.
Your support of Student Affairs increases the potential of each and every one of our Penn State students and elevates the value of a Penn State degree.
2601 Gateway Drive, Suite 150
State College, PA 16801Phone: 814-865-6600
Make a Gift Online
The Student Affairs Finance Office is an administrative support unit which serves as the liaison between the Office of the Corporate Controller and Student Affairs. Our goal is to provide exceptional customer service to Student Affairs while maintaining sound fiscal practices.
Student Affairs has its own Information Technology office. Student Affairs Information Technology (SAIT) provides an array of services to the staff in Student Affairs.
Service Desk
114 Telecom Building
134 Old Coaly Way
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-7210
Penn State Student Affairs Research and Assessment (SARA) seeks to evaluate and improve the student experience and the educational outcomes of students by providing data relevant to Student Affairs, the academic colleges, and the Commonwealth Campuses. To accomplish this, we coordinate and assist in the development of a broad range of assessment and evaluation efforts, including:
- Designing and administering Penn State PULSE and other new and recurring surveys
- Conducting surveys, focus groups/interviews, and other assessment methods upon request
- Providing consulting services to offices/units related to assessment projects (e.g., survey development, data analysis)
- Assisting in the creation of cocurricular learning outcomes
- Evaluating Student Affairs educational programming
SARA supports the mission of Student Affairs and the University by serving as a leader in gathering actionable data that inform decision-making, planning, and improvement efforts around programs, initiatives, and policies.
105 White Building
232 Shortlidge Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-1809
Subscribe to the SARA Listserv
College life can be confusing and overwhelming, and sometimes you just need someone to help you sort things out. Student Care and Advocacy coordinates efforts with campus partners to assist students who encounter challenges or concerns in achieving success at Penn State.
222 Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-2020
Student Engagement Programs provides students with opportunities to get involved in experiences that complement both their in-class and out-of-class learning.
209 HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-3786
Office of Student Leadership and Involvement
The Office of Student Leadership and Involvement cultivates student learning by fostering exploration, community engagement, and development through educational and experiential opportunities.
Through participation in programs and leadership opportunities offered by the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement, students will:
Exhibit knowledge and awareness of diversity around identities, cultures, and communities
Enhance awareness of and commitment to social justice and active citizenship
Improve self-understanding by developing an integrated identity
Develop the ability to interrelate and establish collaborative relationships
Gain knowledge and understanding of resources, policies, and involvement opportunities
Demonstrate skills to guide a group, organization, or community to achieve its goals
Utilize critical and reflective thinking to assess assumptions and consider alternative perspectives and solutions
Develop an appreciation for the arts and creative expression
103 HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-863-4624
Leadership Programs:
Service Programs:
Student Organizations: -
About Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services provides advice, referrals, document drafting, and other legal services to University Park and Commonwealth Campus students facing personal legal issues. To get started, please complete our intake form. You may also stop by our drop-in hours, but we will need you to complete an intake form before seeing an attorney. To avoid delay, we strongly recommend you complete the intake form before arriving during drop-in hours.
We also provide free notary services for Penn State students. Notary service is available weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Complete our intake form to get started.
204 East Calder Way, Suite 200
State College, PA 16801Phone: 814-867-4388
Intake Form
Whether you are just starting out at Penn State, transferring from another school, or changing campuses, we are here to assist you in your transition to Penn State. Our office coordinates a variety of programs for students and their families, including New Student Orientation, Transfer Student Orientation, Parents and Families Orientation, and Welcome Week.
301 Bank of America Career Services Center
566 Eisenhower Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-4178
University Health Services (UHS) is your comprehensive on-campus health care resource. We specialize in outpatient student health including the treatment of medically acute problems and ongoing health concerns. We provide preventive care, education, and resources to help students live a healthy lifestyle.
Student Health Center
542 Eisenhower Rd
University Park, PA 16802Phone: 814-865-4UHS (4847)
Email: uhs-info@psu.edu24/7 Advice Nurse:
814-865-4UHS (4847) (Press 3)