Club Sports
Looking to get involved in competitive student-run sports? Club Sports offers one of the most diverse selections of sports on campus. From ice hockey to fencing, we've got you covered.
Penn State Club Sports oversees recognized student organizations whose primary mission is to further sport through intercollegiate competition. These organizations are student-run and give students the opportunity to develop leadership skills in budgeting, organization, and time management.
All club sports organizations compete under the purview of a national governing body with an emphasis on intercollegiate competition and incorporate the learning of sport-specific skills through instruction. Club sports organizations may select members through a tryout process.
All undergraduate and graduate students registered for at least one credit hour at the University Park campus are eligible to join a club.
Intercollegiate athletes are not eligible to participate in Club Sports. Please contact the assistant director of Competitive Sports with any specific questions.
Students enrolled at the World Campus are not considered University Park students unless they are also enrolled in at least one credit hour at the University Park campus.
Faculty, staff and community members are not eligible to participate in Club Sports.
Club Sports Manual can be found at IM Leagues.
Club List
- Archery
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bass Fishing
- Bowling
- Boxing
- Cheerleading
- Climbing
- Crew
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cross Country
- Cycling
- Dodgeball
- Dressage
- Equestrian
- Fencing
- Field Hockey
- Figure Skating
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Ice Hockey
- Kendo
- Lacrosse
- Pickleball
- Powerlifting
- Quidditch
- Racquetball
- Rifle
- Roller Hockey
- Roundnet
- Sailing
- Ski Team
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Taekwondo
- Team Handball
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Triathlon
- Twirling
- Ultimate
- Volleyball
- Water Polo
- Wrestling
Club Sports Forms, Manuals & Resources
Are you a club or spectator traveling to University Park? Here is a guide to our campus, places to eat, stay, and so much more.
The Penn State Club Sports Officer Manual serves as the complete guide to all of the policies and procedures required of any Penn State Club Sport.
Participation Agreement & Waiver Instructions
Each member of a club must complete a Participation Agreement and Waiver prior to participation in any club activities. This includes faculty, staff, and recreational members. The Club Sports Participation Agreement and Waiver is an online submission through Penn State Campus Recreation’s portal.
Access the portal at
Click the orange LOGIN button on the top right of the page
Choose the blue PSU LOGIN button once redirected to the Penn State Student Affairs login screen
If asked, login to your Penn State Access Account
You will be redirected to the Campus Recreation portal. Click on the CLUB SPORTS button to continue.
If this is your first time on you may be asked to complete your registration. Complete that process, review, and accept the terms and conditions.
Find a list of clubs to join by clicking on the PENN STATE UNIVERSITY button in the top left of the window (next to the home and register buttons)
Toggle the list of Club Sports organizations by clicking the blue CLUB SPORTS button
On the main Club Sports page of you will find a list of organizations. Choose the team you wish to join and click the green JOIN TEAM button next to the team's name.
Once you've joined or submitted a request to join you'll be directed to the team's page. Here you will find a list of forms you must complete. Choose the CLUB SPORTS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT to complete the waiver.
Fill in all fields as instructed and click the green SUBMIT FOR REVIEW button at the bottom of the form and select your club from the drop-down menu. This completes the registration process.
Any club member serving as a Safety Officer for their club must complete this form and provide copies of current and valid CPR, AED and First Aid Certifications. Only certifications from the following organizations are accepted: American Red Cross (ARC), American Heart Association (AHA), and Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) and must be obtained from taking an in-person or blended learning course (online-only certs are not accepted).
This packet should be completed, printed, and signed by any individual who is looking to coach or instruct a Club Sport.
Intramural Sports
The Intramural Sports Program offers a variety of team and individual sports competitions designed to meet the social and competitive needs of students, faculty, and staff at the University Park campus.
We want to provide students, faculty, and staff of Penn State with the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive recreational sports in a safe environment; to promote and provide quality service, facilities, and equipment; to facilitate the opportunity for enjoyable experiences; to nurture and celebrate the wholesome and worthwhile use of leisure, healthy lifestyles, and wellness; and to create opportunities for the growth and development of all stakeholders.
Intramural Leagues
Vist Penn State's IM Leagues website to see current and upcoming leagues and information.
How to register
Any student, faculty, or staff interested in participating must go to to create or join a team. Be sure to read the description for each sport and league before creating a team.
- Have questions? Email to get answers or information
Get involved and sign-up now
Penn State IM Sports uses for all scheduling. IMLeagues allows you to schedule, access handbooks, FAQs, discussion boards, and contact information.
IMLeagues account registration process currently does not meet Penn State accessibility standards. If you need assistance to create an account, please contact the IM Office in 130 Intramural Building at 814-865-4136 or Penn State is currently working with IMLeagues to bring the account registration into compliance. All other functions within the IMLeagues platform meet our accessibility standards.
Unified Sports
Campus Recreation is proud to host Special Olympic athletes and Penn State partners in our Unified Intramural Sports leagues. Throughout the year, the Competitive Sports area includes a Unified league in several intramural team sports offerings.
Campus Recreation began to offer Unified Sports in the Spring of 2019 with basketball. The program has grown from one game to several sports offerings throughout the year. Unified Sports promotes social inclusion by joining people with and without intellectual disabilities together to play on the same team. It offers Penn State students and Special Olympic athletes the opportunity to form friendships and enjoy sports together.
Seven unified sports are offered during the academic year:
- 3v3 Basketball
- 4v4 Flag Football
- 5v5 Basketball
- Bocce
- Cornhole
- Soccer
- Volleyball
All Penn State students are welcome to join. Registration information can be found on IMLeagues:
For more information, contact