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Terms of Use

I agree that my use of this website will be for the sole purpose of accessing and updating my personal online health information with the Pennsylvania State University. I will not attempt to view or access information belonging to any other individual and agree that doing so may violate Federal and State privacy legislation, as well as Pennsylvania State University privacy policies. Any concerns or violations should be reported to the University Health Services Privacy/Security Coordinator.

I agree that any information which I submit on this website will be accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this information will become part of my Pennsylvania State University health record, and may be used in any medical care that I receive. Any questions or concerns regarding the information requested should be directed to the University Health Services Clinical Director.

If you are a Penn State Student, Employee Affiliate, or are a non-student affiliate and have a OneID Access Account (Formerly Friends of Penn State) you may use the link below. 

By clicking on this link, you indicate that you agree to the terms of use.