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Want to know about upcoming programs? Sign up for the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development Multi-faith Listserv. Email to sign up and watch your inbox for upcoming events.


The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development is committed to creating institutional programs that are driven by the values, beliefs, vision, mission, and goals of the center. You can request a number of programs to be facilitated by CSED staff.

Request a facilitated discussion group. These can range in topics, but will definitely include a focus on how religious or spiritual identity intersects with other parts of oneself.

We live in a world with an incredible diversity of beliefs and belief communities. This diversity is often not discussed or engaged with when we talk about inclusion. There are a lot of needs and considerations that come with working with such a large diversity of beliefs and belief communities. It is very helpful to understand the fundamentals of religious, spiritual, and secular inclusion to better serve the people you work with and provide services for. This program helps prepare participants to engage with that diversity in an inclusive and positive way. This is the first workshop in a series of Interfaith Education sessions. Goals are to: Explain definitions and importance of religious, spiritual, and secular identities. Understand needs of various religious, spiritual, and secular identities and discover available resources. Apply knowledge using real-life examples. Request your workshop!

This is the second program in the Interfaith Education workshop series. It builds on the previous workshop focused on Interpersonal Understanding. Goals are to: Explore the dynamics of privilege and oppression on religious and secular identities. Provide understanding of how people experience societal effects on their religious identity. Create an action plan around increasing religious, spiritual, and secular inclusion. Request your workshop!

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development has a portable labyrinth that can be setup in any large, flat space. The goal is to provide participants with exposure to and a chance to experience a non-denominational meditative practice that provides spiritual and/or physical benefits. There is no set ritual for walking a labyrinth, but here is some basic advice. Enter the labyrinth slowly, calming and clearing your mind. This may be done by repeating a word, prayer, or chant. Open your senses and focus on the process of taking slow and deliberate steps. Bring to mind a question or idea to contemplate during the walk to the center. Reaching the center, pause to reflect, pray, or listen for an answer or for deeper revelation. Now begin the return journey. Pray or reflect further. Upon exiting, absorb the experience with continued reflection, prayer, or journaling. Request a labyrinth walk.

Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development Spring 2024 Programs

Please email with any questions about the programs listed.

Program Time Date Location
Being Believing Belonging: "Share Your Faith, Feed Your Face" with CAPS 12:00-1:00PM January 19, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
World Religions Day 11:00AM-1:00PM January 23, 2024 1st Floor HUB-Robeson Center
Basics on Belief: Paganism 10:00AM-11:00AM February 8, 2024 122 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Making Better: Ethical Development Series (Freedom of Speech) 11:00AM-12:30PM February 16, 2024 130 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Interfaith Education (Level 1): Interpersonal Education 10:00AM-11:30AM February 20, 2024 124 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Basics on Belief: Satanism 10:00-11:00AM February 22, 2024 122 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Making Better: Ethical Development Series (Apologizing) 1:00-2:30PM February 22, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Interfaith Education (Level 2): Societal Understanding 10:00-11:30AM February 28, 2024 124 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Making Better: Ethical Development Series (Basic Ethics) 1:00-2:30PM March 1, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Being Believing Belonging Series: "Spilling the Tea" with the Gender Equity Center 12:00-1:00PM March 14, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Basics on Belief: Hinduism 2:00-3:00PM March 14, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual
Basics on Belief: Islam 10:00-11:00AM March 21, 2024 122 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Making Better: Ethical Development Series (Managing Emotions Through Mindfulness) 10:00-11:00AM March 28, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Basics on Belief: Unitarian Universalism 10:00-11:00AM

April 11, 2024

122 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Being Believing Belonging: "Religious InQueeries" with the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity 12:00-1:00PM April 23, 2024 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center


Educational programs/activities

  • Healing Gathering for Victims of Violence
  • Tunnel of Oppression
  • First Sunday
  • First-Year Seminar Tours
  • Interfaith Panels
  • Speakers
  • Films

Community-building programs and activities

  • Yoga, Tai Chi, and other Spiritual Wellness Programs
  • Recitals/Concerts
  • Interfaith Activities & Ethical/Social Justice Programming
  • Conferences/Symposia
  • Religious & Spiritual Advisor Meetings
  • Center Program Cosponsorships -- To support the efforts of other members of the Penn State community, the center strives to cosponsor programs and events hosted by various student organizations and departments that promote our mission.

Environmental enhancement/safe space

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development aims to provide a safe space where students, faculty, and staff can worship, pray, meditate, and explore their religious/spiritual paths as well as participate in cultural and diverse programming and activities. This welcoming, inclusive facility hosts a variety of belief systems.

Featured Events

If there are no events listed below, please check back. New events are added each semester. For a listing of all Student Affairs events, please visit the Student Affairs events page


111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center/Eisenhower Chapel
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6548


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Updated Facility Hours:
Monday - Sunday 
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram at psu.spiritual


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