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Request Assistance from Student Affairs Information Technology

We have several forms available depending on your need. Please review the forms below and select the best option to submit your request. For general assistance or to report an issue, please contact us at or submit a ticket online.

Information Technology Project Management

We are here to help you with your Information Technology needs, issues, and problems! Please contact us as soon as you anticipate changes, improvements, additions, and replacements.

SAIT Service Contact Protocol 

Please do not contact individuals with service requests. We love working with you, but we must ensure that our process is efficient and effective. 

Please always provide the following details: 

  • Your name, Penn State UserID (ABC567), unit, and location. 
  • A call-back phone number. 
  • Who is experiencing the problem? Are there others?  
  • What is happening? How long has it been happening?  
  • What is the urgency? Please use the word ‘URGENT’ or ‘EMERGENCY’ if applicable. 

Normal Business Hours:  

Contact the Service Desk to generate a ticket: 

  • Call 814-865-7210 and leave a message with the details. 
  • Email with the details. 

Tickets are monitored at least every 30 minutes for assignment.  


Generate a ticket, which will be addressed the next business day: 

  • Call 814-865-7210 and leave a message with the details. 
  • Email with the details.  

Call the off-hours support person for URGENT or EMERGENCY situations. If there is no answer leave a message with the details to receive support.   


Service Desk:

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

After hours emergencies: 

Administrative Office:
114 Telecom Building
134 Old Coaly Way
University Park, PA 16802