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Involvement Opportunities

At Penn State, we believe that student success is enhanced when parents and families engage as partners. Many parents and families want to continue to be involved in their students' education. And students benefit from appropriately involved families. The most important way for you to be involved is to become a well-informed support system for your student. Penn State has established ways for you to get involved.

  • Joining the Penn State Parents Council
    • Ideal applicants are energetic, creative, and dedicated to the improvement of the University and its support of students and their families. Applicants should be available to come to campus twice per academic year for meetings and events. 
  • Volunteering as a Parent Ambassador
    • Ideal applicants are energetic, creative, and dedicated to the improvement of the University and its support of students and their families. Applicants will have volunteer opportunities at home and on campus.
  • Supporting the Parents Fund
  • Joining the Alumni Association
  • Becoming an advocate for Penn State