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Cocurricular Learning Outcomes

The cocurriculum at Penn State includes both formal and informal out-of-class learning opportunities. These include involvement with clubs and organizations, workshops, lectures, internships, co-ops, living-learning communities, intramural and recreation programs, undergraduate research opportunities, interactions with faculty and other students, service learning, academic and career advising, cultural events and study abroad.

Knowledge Acquisition/Application

Students will:

  • Develop an understanding of knowledge from a range of disciplines/areas
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply ideas and themes across the curriculum and cocurriculum.

Cognitive Competency

Students will:

  • Acquire learning skills to assist in their academic success
  • Develop critical and reflective thinking abilities
  • Apply effective reasoning skills

Life Skills and Self-Knowledge

Students will:

  • Determine their career interests
  • Acquire career management skills
  • Develop the ability to manage and resolve interpersonal conflicts
  • Cultivate a propensity for lifelong learning
  • Develop personal health, fitness, wellness and leisure habits and identify health risks
  • Improve self-understanding and awareness by developing an integrated personal identity (including sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture and spiritual)
  • Exhibit responsible decision-making and personal accountability

Personal Integrity and Values

Students will:

  • Acquire ethical reasoning skills
  • Improve their ability to manage their emotions effectively
  • Develop a sense of personal integrity and clarify their personal values
  • Appreciate creative expression and aesthetics
  • Demonstrate compassion and empathy for others

Intercultural Development

Students will:

  • Possess multicultural awareness and knowledge
  • Develop sensitivity to and appreciation of human differences
  • Exhibit the ability to work effectively with those different from themselves
  • Demonstrate a commitment to social justice

Leadership and Active Citizenship

Students will:

  • Communicate effectively with others both verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics and effective teamwork
  • Understand leadership theory and styles
  • Identify their own leadership style when working with others
  • Develop a range of leadership skills and abilities such as effectively leading change, resolving conflict, and motivating others
  • Develop a deep understanding of sustainability (locally, nationally, globally) and be prepared to lead others in the implementation of strategies for sustainable resource use on campus and in their communities
  • Assume a sense of civic responsibility and a commitment to public life

Approved by the Pennsylvania State University Coordinating Committee on University Assessment, May 2006.


105 White Building 
232 Shortlidge Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1809