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Pacesetting Hazing Prevention

Elevate your efforts and achieve your objectives with intention and purpose. 

Pacesetting campuses are encouraged to engage in our hazing prevention study. 

What Works Study and Community of Practice 

Our study aims to create and refine comprehensive hazing prevention programs through manageable, incremental steps focused on targeted prevention practices. By leveraging grounded evidence and collaborating with prevention and intervention specialists, campuses can develop tailored strategies through an iterative process. This project is designed to enhance the utilization of hazing prevention data, promote intentionality, and support goal achievement.

Key Features:
  • Engagement with the research team at three checkpoints throughout the year to foster relationships and ensure strategies align with campus needs. 
  • Campus-specific reports that assist in diagnosing, implementing, and measuring the effectiveness of hazing prevention programs. 
  • Monthly professional development sessions through the Community of Practice. 
  • Building professional capacity for the effective implementation of prevention programs. 
  • Collaboration with experts to develop customized prevention and intervention strategies. 

Study Model (PDF)




Four annual consultations with prevention experts. Consultants use motivational interviewing and improvement science to enhance and grow hazing prevention programs. 


Annual administration of the What Works: Comprehensive Hazing Prevention Survey (CHPS), unlimited use of the Hazing Program Assessment (HPA), and Student Focus groups for additional qualitative analysis.



Comprehensive hazing program evaluation as well as individual program reports broken down by council types.  


*Pricing is an annual cost. The study ask campuses for a minimum of three-year commitment 

Current partner campuses in the What Works Study (1st Cohort) include Baylor University, James Madison University, Louisiana State University, Penn State University, Washington State University, and West Virginia University. 

Current partner campuses in the What Works Study (2nd Cohort) include Auburn University, Bowling Green State University, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Mississippi State University, Virginia Tech, University of Alabama, University of Missouri, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.