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Research at CAPS

The field of mental health care (counseling, psychiatry, and administration) is based on more than a century of research efforts aimed at understanding people, identifying mental health concerns, and developing treatments that work. CAPS not only draws from this research to provide the best care to our students -- but also actively contributes through internal research efforts such as annual program evaluations, support of outside research projects within CAPS, and participation/leadership in national research efforts.

Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCMH)

CCMH is a multidisciplinary, member-driven, Practice-Research-Network (PRN) focused on providing accurate and up-to-date information on the mental health of today’s college students. CCMH strives to connect practice, research, and technology to benefit students, mental health providers, administrators, researchers, and the public.  

The collaborative efforts of over 600 college and university counseling centers and supportive organizations have enabled CCMH to build one of the nation’s largest databases on college student mental health. CCMH actively develops clinical tools, reports, and research using this data. Learn more about CCMH.