The Student Affairs Research and Assessment (SARA) listserv distributes reports for the surveys we conduct, including PULSE surveys.
Subscribers receive, on average, five e-mails per year. The e-mail will contain a summary of the survey conducted, highlights from the accompanying report, and a link to the full report, which can be viewed in a browser or downloaded. All reports are screen-reader friendly.
Subscribing to the SARA Listserv
Send an e-mail to with the subject “Subscribe” and the words “Please add me to the list” in the body of the e-mail. These precautions help ensure that your message will make it through the University’s spam filters.
Unsubscribing to the SARA Listserv
Send an e-mail to with the subject “Unsubscribe” and the words “Please take me off your list” in the body of the e-mail.