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Associated Student Activities

Expense Object Codes

50110 Telephone Rental
50120 Postage
50125 Office Supplies
50130 Copies
50135 Equipment Rental
50140 Equipment Purchase
50145 Equipment Maintenance
50150 Professional Services
50160 Insurance Premiums
50210 Advertising
50220 Dues/Membership
50225 Awards/Gifts
50235 Photography
50250 Clothing/Uniform
50251 Registration/Tournament Fee
50252 Instructor
50253 Referees/Judges
50260 Fine
50264 Web Hosting
50266 Books/Subscription
50270 Printing
50275 Fundraising
50280 Donation
50290 CD and DVD
50300 Rush
50500 Social
50501 Facility Rental - Social
50502 Food
50503 Materials & Supplies
50504 Meeting
60206 Equipment Maintenance/Repairs
60252 Prizes
60303 Security
60305 EMT Service
60350 Catering
60351 Meal
60352 Banquet
60353 Retreat
60354 Festival/Fair Expense
60355 Special Function
60520 Collegian Ad


60100 Honoraria - Speaker
60101 Honoraria - DJ
60104 Honoraria - Performing Artist
60150 Speaker/Artist - Transportation
60151 Speaker/Artist - Lodging
60152 Speaker/Artist - Meal
60153 Speaker/Artist - Parking
60200 Program - Facility Rental
60201 Program - Equipment Rental
60202 Program - Purchase
60203 Program - Sound System Rental
60205 Program - Movie Rental
60301 Program - Projectionist
60306 Program - Professional Services
60500 Program - Publicity
60510 Program - Copies/Flyers/Posters
60530 Program - Media Print/Broadcast
60600 Program - Costume
60610 Program - Set Construction
60620 Program - Props
60630 Program - Copyright/Licensing
60641 General Operations ($50)
70010 Travel - Transportation
70020 Travel - Lodging
70030 Travel - Registration
70040 Travel - Meal
70060 Travel - Conference



50240 Refund *
  *Only to be used when the payee first deposited money into the account and now needs refunded. For example, they paid for clothing they did not receive.




240 HUB-Robeson Center
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-1947

Fax: 814-863-5524
