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Become a Peer Educator

Peer educators play a vital role in promoting a healthy campus culture and eliminating power-based interpersonal violence on Penn State's campus. Peer educators facilitate conversations around healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention, teaching their fellow Penn Staters on the role they play eliminating violence and supporting survivors.

The Gender Equity Center coordinates two peer education groups, the It's On Us Peer education group and the Greeks CARE peer education program.

Opportunities to get involved

Centre Safe Volunteer Class

Volunteers for Centre Safe answer hotline calls, respond to the hospital, and offer other critical support services to survivors in our community. Learn more about the process for becoming a volunteer.

Commission for Women

The Penn State Commission for Women serves as an advisory group to the President of the University on the status of women at Penn State, advocates for women’s concerns, and recommends solutions. Faculty, staff, and students can learn more about how to get involved on the Commission For Women website.


222U Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 814-863-2027


If you feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, please call 911

24-hour confidential hotline:
Centre Safe 

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