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Penn State’s Relationship Violence Outreach, Intervention, and Community Education (R-VOICE) Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. In addition, the office works to educate the campus community about gender equity issues and to provide workshops and resources for the prevention of sexual violence.

Advocacy and Support Services

R-VOICE Center staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling for victim survivors. All services are free and confidential.

Prevention Education and Violence Intervention Work

The R-VOICE Center works to eliminate power-based interpersonal violence from our communities, stopping the violence before it starts. The foundation of this prevention work is proactive intervention and education. Our office offers a robust course of workshops and educational sessions for students, faculty, and staff to achieve an intentional intersectional, proactive model of prevention. Our extensive offerings are theory-driven and evidenced-based. Request a workshop for your class, club, or organization today as well as learn about the ongoing programming and featured events equipping the Penn State community to advocate for change and eliminate violence from our community.

Students can get involved through our peer education groups! The R-VOICE Center coordinates two peer education groups, which meet weekly, plan events throughout the year, and are trained to provide educational programming on topics like sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, gender stereotypes, and more.

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of the Relationship Violence Outreach, Intervention, and Community Education Center is to

  1. Support all students in their relationships, especially those who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment and other campus climate issues through Advocacy, Crisis Intervention/Support and Empowerment
  2. Educate the Penn State community by promoting awareness, building support for survivors and conducting educational programs and events on consent, violence prevention, bystander intervention and healthy relationships.


The vision of the R-VOICE Center is to create a campus culture where all students feel safe, supported, valued, and respected through access to a full range of services. We believe everyone deserves healthy relationships that are built on respect and consent, should have positive experiences, and learn life skills that enable them to be successful and achieve their goals at Penn State and in the world.



222U Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd.
University Park, PA 16802

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 814-863-2027

If you feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, please call 911

24-hour confidential hotline: 
Centre Safe: 877-234-5050

Make an Appointment