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How to Throw a Safe and Trouble-Free Party

  • Keep the party size within the occupancy limits. Everyone should fit inside the space you have. Don’t overflow into the driveway or the neighbor’s yard.
  • Be a good neighbor. Tell your neighbors about the party. Encourage them to contact you FIRST if there’s a problem. Give them your name and phone number so they can call you.
  • Know your guests. Only invite people you know and trust. Turn away anyone who is visibly intoxicated. You are legally responsible for the actions of everyone at the party.
  • Keep the noise within reason. If your party is too loud, the police are likely to show up.
  • Provide non-alcoholic drinks and food.
  • Designate a housemate as the sober host. This person can keep tabs on the noise, number of guests, and other potential problems.
  • Don’t serve alcohol to minors.
  • Don’t over-serve alcohol to guests.
  • Provide trash and recycling containers. Clean up any trash as soon as the party is over to avoid getting a fine.

Be a good neighbor

If you live in the Borough of State College, keep these things in mind. 

Nuisance Property Points: All rental properties are subject to the Rental Suspension Ordinance. This means if your rental property accumulates 10 points within 12 months, the owner could lose his or her ability to rent the property at the end of the current lease. Properties may have pre-existing points assigned to their rental permit at the time you begin your lease. 

Refuse Ordinance: It is illegal to improperly dispose of refuse (garbage) or recyclables, including party materials such as cans, cups, and bottles. Party related trash and recyclables should be cleaned up immediately after a party. A citation can be issued for repeated or egregious circumstances. Fines range from $300 to $1,000.

Noise Ordinance: If noise from a residence is considered unreasonable, the police can issue a citation at any time. The ordinance can be enforced when complaints are made or when oficers observe unreasonable noise. There is no legal right or guarantee to a warning.

The following factors will be taken into account when deciding to issue a citation: the intensity of the noise, time of day, day of week, duration of noise, if the sound is temporary, and if the property has received prior warning or complaints. Fines include $750 for the first offense and $1,000 for any subsequent offenses in any 120-day period or 30 days in prison if not are not paid.