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Wellness Fund Status

The UPUA Wellness Fund pilot was successfully launched in Sept 2021. At this time, the fund has been depleted and we are working on sustainable funding solutions. If you have concerns about the cost of your health care, please contact Student Care and Advocacy through the Basic Needs Request Form.
Basic Needs Request Form

UHS/UPUA Wellness Fund

Your health is a priority. We do not want you to worry about how you can pay for it.

The UHS/UPUA Wellness Fund was conceived through a collaboration between University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) and University Health Services. The fund is meant to alleviate financial strain, related to medical costs, that a student may face as they pursue their education.

The UPUA Wellness Fund is considered Student Aid. UHS Financial Services will work in partnership with the Office of Student Aid in applying the funds appropriately.

Who is eligible for this fund?

At this time, the fund is only available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University Park campus. The fund can be used by students who do not have medical insurance coverage or students who have high co-pays and deductibles or their insurance does not cover them locally. Additionally, it can be used to protect your privacy if you're worried about utilizing your parent/guardian insurance.

What services can this fund cover? 

The Wellness Fund can be used for all University Health Services billable services with the exception of pharmacy charges, ambulance charges, labwork sent to Quest Diagnostics, and no-show fees. The fund also does not cover referrals to external (non-UHS) providers).   

How do students access the fund?

If you feel you need assistance from the fund to help pay for your University Health Services appointment, please schedule a visit with a UHS Case Manager. A Case Manager can assist you in scheduling your appointment in a timely manner and will notify UHS Financial Services that you will be using the UPUA Wellness Fund to help pay for your visit. Case Managers can also connect you to additional resources, such as options for health insurance and resources if you are experiencing financial hardship.  

Schedule a UHS Case Manager visit through myUHS or by contacting University Health Services.