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The HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board serves as a resource to the Senior Director of the HUB-Robeson Center and to the Director of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center. The purpose of the HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board is to represent students, faculty, staff and community members served by the HUB-Robeson Center and consult and advise both directors in policy and procedure matters and evaluations of programs, services, and facilities.

The HUB-Robeson Center Board is comprised of 15 students, two faculty members, one community member, and four staff members who reside in the HUB-Robeson Center. The HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board meets at least twice a semester, and more frequently during the spring semester when discussing office space allocations. If interested in applying for the student-at-large position, please complete the application.

HUB-Robeson Center Mission Statement

As a center of University community life, the HUB-Robeson Center, complements the academic experience by helping students develop understanding, skills, attitudes, and values essential for success in life and at the University as responsible citizens.  To this end, the HUB-Robeson Center offers students opportunities in leadership, social responsibility, citizenship, volunteerism, employment, and civic engagement. Through the various boards, governing councils, and committees, our staff provides a variety of purposeful cultural, educational, and social, leadership and recreational experiences. We encourage self-directed activities challenging students to strive towards their full potential within an environment that fosters respect, values all persons, appreciates diversity and celebrates the contributions of all its members. We emphasize the need to recognize that the University community is diverse in age, culture, and ethnicity, and that all members contribute to the advancement of society.

Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC) Purpose Statement

The Paul Robeson Cultural Center at The Pennsylvania State University is a unit within Student Affairs, which seeks to make true the mission of the institution by serving students in the development of character, conscience, and social responsibility through fostering identity development, social justice and inclusion.

Section A.   Name.    The name of the board shall be the HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board.

Section B.   Purposes.  In conjunction with the missions and goals of  the HUB-Robeson Center, the Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC), the purposes and powers of the Board shall be to:

  1. Represent students, faculty, staff and community members served by the HUB-Robeson Center.
  2. Consult with and advise the Directors in policy and procedure matters including fee structures for rental of space and equipment, new sources of income, existing building procedures related to use of the building, relationships with HUB Dining and the Bookstore, and new programs and services.
  3. Consult with and advise the Directors in evaluations of programs, services, and facilities.  Review results of such evaluations and recommend action or give advice concerning the results.
  4. Participate in the search committee and interview process when hiring a Director.
  5. Review annual reports for the U and PRCC and recommend action or give advice concerning the reports.

Section A.   Composition.  The Board shall consist of 22 members, plus the HUB-Robeson Center and PRCC Directors.  All but the directors and the Administrative Assistant shall have equal and full voting powers.  Any student registered for six or more credits is eligible for a position on the Board.  The composition of the Board will consist of one student representative from each of the following:

  • Council of Commonwealth Student Government (CCSG) (1)     
  • Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) (1)                         
  • University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) (1)                                
  • University Park Allocations Committee (UPAC) (1)                                         
  • One student employee each from the HUB-Robeson Center and PRCC (2)
  • International Student Council (ISC) (1)                          
  • Nat’l. Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (1)
  • Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Caucus (APIDA) (1)
  • Latino Caucus (1)
  • Lion Pride Roundtable for Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Caucus (1)
  • Black Caucus (1)
  • At Large Student Body (3)

And the remaining members are as follows:                                            

  • Faculty (2)
  • Community (1)
  • PRCC Staff (1)
  • HUB-Robeson Center Staff (1)
  • Housing and Food Services (1)
  • Bookstore (1)

Section B.   Selection.  Members shall be selected or appointed as follows:

  1. Representatives of the following student organizations CCSG, GPSA, UPUA, UPAC, ISC, LIONPRIDE Caucus, NAACP, APAC, Latino Caucus and Black Caucus shall be appointed yearly by their respective organizations.
  2. Representatives of the HUB-Robeson Center and PRCC student staff shall be appointed, one each, by the Director of HUB-Robeson Center and the Director of the PRCC.
  3. At-large representatives from the student body will be recruited, interviewed and selected by the already seated members of the Board.
  4. Representatives from the faculty shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate.
  5. A community member shall be appointed yearly by the Director of the HUB-Robeson Center who lives in the Centre Region and is a Penn State Alumnus.
  6. A representative of the PRCC full-time staff shall be appointed yearly by the Director of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center.     
  7. A representative of the HUB-Robeson Center full-time staff shall be appointed yearly by the Director of HUB-Robeson Center
  8. A representative from HUB Dining shall be appointed by the Director, Retail Food Operations.
  9. A representative of the Bookstore shall be appointed yearly by the Manager of the Bookstore.

Section C.  Term of office.  The term of office for all members of the Board is one year and ends at the end of Spring Semester.  Yearly it is the responsibility of the student organizations to appoint their representative to the new board.  Terms of the remaining student members can exceed one year and members may serve successive terms if deemed appropriate by the Board.  Preparation for appointments, elections and selection shall begin and be completed before the end of Spring Semester and/or no later than October of the Fall Semester.  The term of new members of the Board begins in the Fall Semester.

Section D.  Vacancies.  In the event of a vacancy created by ineligibility, resignation, or removal (see Section E), or incapacitation of a representative, the organization shall appoint a new representative from the appropriate constituency to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section E.   Duties.  All members shall attend the meetings of the Board.  Members will notify the Administrative Assistant prior to the meeting if they will be absent.  In the event of two or more unexcused absences per term, the Chair will address the Board at the next meeting to discuss requesting a new member from the organization.

Section A.   Titles and Duties.  The officers of the Board shall be the Chairperson (a student) and the Administrative Assistant (HUB-Robeson Center Director Administrative Assistant).

  1. The Chairperson shall:
    a.    convene and preside over Board meetings.
    b.    appoint all members of committees or task forces developed by the Board.
    c.    meet regularly with the Directors to develop an agenda for monthly meetings.
  2. The Administrative Assistant shall:
    a.    take and prepare minutes of all meetings.
    b.    disseminate minutes.
    c.    notify members of meetings.
    d.    update web page.

Section B.   Election.  Selection of the Chair will happen at the final spring meeting or at the 1st fall meeting.  Nomination(s)/volunteer(s) for the Chair position will be requested at either of these meetings.    Nominations must be made from among the seated members of the Board.  If the majority of the attending members agree, the person nominated/volunteering for the position will become Chair.  If more than two names are received the Board shall elect the Chair from among those nominated by secret ballot.  Results will be announced at the meeting.

Section A.  Purpose.  Committees exist to facilitate the work of the Board.  All actions of committees are subject to review and approval by the Board.

Section B.  Purview.  The Board shall designate on an ad hoc basis any committee as may be necessary to the business of the Board, including but not limited to Office Space Allocation, Operations, Programs, Equipment/Furnishings/Facilities and Evaluation.

Section C.  Duties and composition.  The duties and composition of the committees shall be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Directors.  All Board members shall be eligible to serve on a committee.

Section D.  Quorum.  A majority of the members present of any committee shall constitute a quorum for conducting the committee’s business.

Section A.   Frequency.  The Board will meet a minimum of six times per year.

Section B.   Quorum.  A simple majority of all voting members shall be necessary for the Board to conduct business.

Section C.  Voting.  A simple majority of those voting members present shall be necessary to approve motions.

Section D.  Notice of Meetings.  Five days prior notice shall be given for meetings.

Section A.   Order of business.  The agenda of the meeting shall be:

  1. call to order                                     
  2. open student forum                       
  3. approval of minutes                       
  4. old business
  5. new business
  6. open discussion period
  7. adjournment

Section B.   Minutes.  Minutes of meetings shall record official actions taken and provide a summary of reports and pertinent discussion.  All minutes constitute an open record of Board activities.  All motions and vote tallies will be recorded and made available via the web at

Section C.  Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair.  Notification shall be sent by e-mail at least three calendar days before the day of the meeting.

These regulations may be amended at any meeting of the Board by the affirmative vote of a majority of those members present and voting, provided a notice describing the proposed amendment is sent to the entire Board membership ten days in advance of the meeting.


HUB-Robeson Center
288 Pollock Rd.
University Park, PA 16802

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