Campus-Wide Involvement Fair
The Involvement Fairs are one of the best opportunities to get involved in campus life at Penn State. Student Organizations set up displays and have members on site talk to visitors one on one about what their organization does on campus. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is one of the most important parts of having a successful college career! You will make friends, learn all about Penn State, and develop invaluable skills you will use in life beyond Penn State. There are over 1,000 student organizations to choose from. Wondering where to start? Start at the Involvement Fair!
Fall 2025 Campus-Wide Involvement Fair NOW 2 DAYS!
Different Organizations will be represented on EACH DAY!
DAY ONE: Tuesday September 2nd
12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
HUB Robeson Center Lawn
Day One Listing will be posted approximately 1 week before the event
DAY TWO: Wednesday September 3rd
12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
HUB Robeson Center Lawn
Day Two Listing will be posted approximately 1 week before the event
Looking to register your student organization or program? Applications Open April 1st, 2025 and stay open until August 1st, 2025. Please apply early!
OrgCentral is the best place to find a list of all Penn State Student Organizations! Use the tips below to easily search student organization opportunities:
- Make sure you are signed in with your Penn State information.
- Signing in gives you ALL our organizations and opportunities. You can log in using your Penn State credentials.
- Search with keywords under the “Organization” tab at the top.
- Keyword searches don’t work well in the “search bar” on the main page. To get a more comprehensive list, click “Organizations” at the top of the webpage.
- Keyword searches don’t work well in the “search bar” on the main page. To get a more comprehensive list, click “Organizations” at the top of the webpage.
- Not sure where to start? Click the “Organization” tab at the top!
- On the left, you can filter by our categories and narrow down organization types
- Connect through OrgCentral!
- On a Student Organization page in OrgCentral, you can find important contact information, meeting dates/times/locations, and more!
- Try something new!
- Use OrgCentral to discover new organizations or interests you never thought you’d be involved with!
- Make sure you are signed in with your Penn State information.