Get ready to vote!
PSU Votes provides non-partisan information to help students prepare for and participate in elections. Penn State is part of the All-In Campus Democracy Challenge, a national effort to support engaged citizenship and student voting.
To get ready to vote, you need to register or update your registration, make your voting plan, learn about the races and candidates on your ballot, and vote! Below you will find information about each step in the process so you can participate in the upcoming election.
Critical dates for voting in Pennsylvania
- Last day to register before the spring primary election
Monday, May 5, 2025 - Last day to apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 - Primary Election
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Deadlines and voting processes differ from state to state. For students voting in another state should visit to find your state's voter information website.
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Visit our faculty and staff page for information on relevant Penn State policies, guidance, and approved resources that you can share with students.
Register to Vote
You must be registered if you want to vote, making this the first step in any voting process. Read through the following information carefully so you can avoid common voter registration errors.
Decide which address to use to register
In Pennsylvania, college students who are eligible to vote may choose to register to vote at their permanent address where a parent or guardian still resides or at their local address where they live while attending college. This option applies to both in-state and out-of-state students.
- The address you use to register influences where you can vote in-person on Election Day and the candidates you will see on the ballot.
- You can only vote in-person on Election Day at your assigned polling location, which will be near the address you used to register.
- You can only vote once and in one place for each election.
Deciding where to register FAQs
- Learn more about college students and voting in Pennsylvania at the Pennsylvania Voting and Elections site.
When deciding where to register, students should consider where they feel more connected and informed about local issues, the impact of their vote, the measures and candidates that will be on their ballot, as well as practical issues like where they will be on Election Day and whether they want to vote in-person or by mail.
- In Pennsylvania, each address is assigned to a polling location. You can only vote in-person on Election Day at your assigned polling location.
If you want to vote in-person locally on Election Day, you should register with your local address. Students registering in other counties or states who cannot get to their assigned polling location on Election Day will need to vote by mail.
Go to the Pennsylvania Voting and Elections website. If you were previously registered at another Pennsylvania address, follow the instructions to update your voter registration. If you were previously registered in another state, complete a Pennsylvania voter registration form, indicating this is a new registration.
In both cases, be sure to complete the section that asks for the address where you were previously registered, to help keep voter registration rolls up to date.
Go to your state’s voter information website and follow their instructions about how to check your registration.
On the Pennsylvania website, the easiest way to check your registration is with your Pennsylvania driver’s license number. If you don’t have a Pennsylvania driver’s license and have to search by your name, the system is very precise – you must type in your name exactly as you wrote it when you registered.
If your information is not coming up, call your state or county elections office to ask them to help you figure out if you are registered or not.
No. You must be a U.S. Citizen to vote in federal elections. If you have questions about your eligibility to register or vote, contact your state’s elections office.
Changes to your voter registration must be made before the voter registration deadline for your state, if you want them to apply to the upcoming election.
How to Register to vote
To register to vote, you need to complete and submit an official voter registration form by your state’s voter registration deadline. Every state has its own voter registration and voting rules. Be sure you are looking at official government information about voting and registering for your state.
We urge students to register to vote early in the semester, well ahead of the voter registration deadline, so there is time to mail in your registration form or make any corrections to your registration paperwork if needed.
- The information provided below if for students planning to register and vote in Pennsylvania.
- If you are planning to register and vote in another state, use to find your state's official voter information website.
Students with a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license or ID card can use the online voter registration form. Include your driver’s license number where it is requested on the form. We recommend that students who do not have a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license or ID card complete and submit a paper form due to difficulties with the signature component for the online form. You will need to print out the voter registration form, complete it, and return it by mail following the instructions provided on the form. Forms must be received by the voter registration deadline, so do this early!
No, this is a legal document. You should use your legal name. If you need to show ID at the polls on Election Day, be sure the ID you bring has your name listed the same way it is on your voter registration. For questions about names, contact your local or state elections office using the contact information provided below.
Good question! You will need to modify your mailing address a little so it fits on the voter registration form. Here is an example of how you should fill in the address section:
Guidance about how to fill in your address on the voter registration form was created in collaboration with the Centre County Elections Office. To access this guidance for residence halls at University Park, visit Penn State Mail Services’ website.
Scroll way down to the bottom of the mailing address section and click on “Voter Registration Mailing Address.” Follow the guidance provided to be sure you fill in your mailing address properly.
We encourage students to include contact information on the registration form so the Elections Office staff can contact you if there are errors on your form or if they need additional information to process your voter registration. If they reach out to you, reply! If there are errors on your form, information they cannot read, or other issues, you will not be registered until they are resolved.
If you are registering in Centre County (where University Park and State College is located), you can call the Centre County Elections Office at 814-355-6703. If you are registering elsewhere in Pennsylvania, you can contact your county’s elections office. Or you can call the state Elections Office at 717-787-5280.
How to register to vote
Ready to vote? Make a plan!
Once you have registered to vote, you need to make a voting plan. Use your state’s voter information website and the FAQs below to learn how to do each of the following steps.
- The information provided below if for students planning to register and vote in Pennsylvania.
- If you are planning to register and vote in another state, use to find your state's official voter information website.
Voting in-person in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, the polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. In presidential election years, voter turnout is often high. Plan your day so you have time to wait on line if that’s necessary. If you are in line at 8:00 p.m., you are still allowed to vote. But try not to cut it close!
You can only vote in-person at your assigned polling location. For example, if you registered to vote with your home address in Philadelphia, the only place you can vote in-person is at your assigned polling location in Philadelphia. Similarly, there are numerous polling locations in State College. Just because you are a Penn State student, this does not automatically mean that you can vote at the HUB polling location – this will only be the case if it is your assigned polling location, which is in turn based on your address.
It’s important that you check your polling location. If you cannot get to your assigned polling location on Election Day, you can either request, complete, and return a mail-in ballot or you can update your registration to your local address so you can vote in-person locally. However, it’s important that you plan ahead as you must apply for a mail-in ballot or update your voter registration, as applicable, before the relevant deadline (see the critical dates at the top of this page).
In Pennsylvania, if you are voting at a polling location for the first time, you are required to show ID. We recommend that everyone bring ID to the polls, just in case. Most students use their Penn State student ID, voter registration card from the Elections Office, Pennsylvania driver’s license, or passport as ID.
- Bring the physical ID card. Electronic IDs (including electronic student IDs) may not be accepted.
Visit the Pennsylvania voter information website for a full list of approved IDs in Pennsylvania.
Mail-in voting FAQs
- In Pennsylvania, you must request a mail-in ballot, receive it, complete it, and return it to the county where you are registered by 8:00 p.m. Election Day for the ballot to count.
Students planning to vote by mail should read the mail-in voting information on the Pennsylvania Voting and Elections website carefully. Voting by mail is easy and secure, but you have to follow all of the instructions for your ballot to count.
We recommend that you request your mail-in ballot as soon as possible. Remember, the ballot needs to get to you, you need to complete it, and you need to return it to the county or state that it came from in time for it to count (based on your state’s rules).
- In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots must be received at your county’s elections office by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
A postmark by 8 p.m. November 5 is not sufficient. Don’t wait on this task – request your ballot, complete it, and return it as soon as possible, so your vote will count.
No. Your mail-in ballot must be returned to the county or state that it came from. Local drop boxes are for locally issued mail-in ballots. Carefully follow all of the instructions you receive with your mail-in ballot to be sure you return it on time, to the place it needs to go.
Plan your vote
What's on my ballot? How can I learn about candidates?
In addition to the presidential election, there will be lots of other important races on your ballot. Students should take time to learn about all of the races on your ballot, why they matter, and decide who they want to vote for. In some states, you may also see other measures on your ballot, such as constitutional amendments and/or referenda.
PSU Votes has put together some resources to help you explore your options and make informed decisions so you can vote for the candidates that will best represent your interests, beliefs, and priorities.
Don't forget to vote!
- Put a reminder on your calendar and block off time to go vote
- Visit the Pennsylvania Voting and Elections site to:
- Double-check your registration status and polling location
- Be sure to bring an approved ID – bring your physical ID, don’t rely on electronic copies of ID.
- If you made one, bring the list of people you want to vote for, so you don’t forget about important races on your ballot
- Text your friends to remind them to go vote!

Get Involved
Get Involved
If you want to get involved with non-partisan voter registration efforts with PSUVotes, email
Poll Worker
Be a champion of democracy by becoming a poll worker.
For comprehensive information on registration, registration status, absentee ballots, locating polling places, voter guides, and more, visit Vote411.

Faculty and Staff can support student voting
As faculty and staff members, you are some of the most trusted voices on campus. We know you can’t always “know it all”; find curated resources that to access throughout the year on how to encourage voting, info sheets, guidance, and more.