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As a multi-faith learning community, the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development is charged with providing programs and a venue for the religious, spiritual, ethical and character development of the University community. The center strives to build active, responsible citizens and raise the consciousness of the community. With a broad offering of worship opportunities, educational events, and cross-cultural programs that enrich the heart and mind, the center hosts a culturally diverse multi-faith community and celebrates our differences and similarities in a safe, supportive environment.


The vision of the center embraces these fundamental premises:

  • To provide the University community with a safe, supportive space for religious/spiritual/cultural diversity and exploration.
  • To encourage personal, ethical and character development, intellectual engagement, and the voluntary exercise of religious/spiritual beliefs.
  • To promote inter-faith understanding and appreciation through educational and cultural programming and activities.

Code of Ethics

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development is a unit of Student Affairs at Penn State University charged with providing a venue and programs for the ethical, spiritual and character development of the University community. The campus spiritual leaders who are affiliated with the center, share that mission. The center recognizes that a successful community results only through trust, mutual respect, and the struggle that sharing sometimes requires, as individuals are invited beyond the familiar and across boundaries. There we can all find and celebrate our differences and, in doing so, can live with greater understanding, meaning, and peace. We will work together and guarantee the dignity of those with whom we work.

In this spirit we pledge:

  • To nurture spiritual and ethical development among students, staff, and faculty
  • To create a safe climate where all can practice their religion or spirituality
  • To work through education and example toward eliminating prejudice, hatred, and violence
  • To recognize differences and promote religious harmony
  • Not to obstruct or harass any one engaged in programs and/or observances
  • Not to coerce or diminish, so as to take advantage of anyone's vulnerability
  • To support students' commitment to academics, to self, and to family
  • To respect confidentiality unless the safety of the individual or others is at risk
  • To promote integrity in matters of professional ethics


111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center/Eisenhower Chapel
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6548


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Updated Facility Hours:
Monday - Sunday 
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram at psu.spiritual


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