Make the most of your college years. We’re your connection to the many resources, student services, events, activities, involvement opportunities, and more at Penn State and in the State College Community.

Get Involved at Penn State
We’re your connection to what’s happening on campus and we offer thousands of ways for you to get involved, make a difference, make friends, and develop job skills.
Housing Options at Penn State
No matter where you live, you are part of a diverse and vibrant community at Penn State. Let us help you explore the variety of on-campus housing options, find the best dining options, navigate the rental market and learn how to be a good neighbor.
Art, Theater, & Music
From classical concerts to popular artists, fine art galleries to LateNight crafts, and performance art to theater productions, Penn State has opportunities for you to experience the arts in whatever way you choose.
Student Services
We recognize that college life goes beyond the classroom and we are here with the tools and resources you need to make your University experience complete.
Student Employment
Need a job? We can offer you much more than just a paycheck. Discover the variety of student employment opportunities in Student Affairs.