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The Diversity & Inclusion Survey aimed to gather information about students’ perceptions, thoughts, and experiences regarding diversity and inclusion on Penn State’s University Park campus. Results from the Spring 2018 administration of the survey reveal that:

  • Perception of diversity and inclusion at Penn State
    • 85.5% agree that Penn State is an inclusive institution, 83.2% agree that Penn State has a diverse student body, and 73.0% agree that Penn State has diverse faculty and staff.
    • Regardless of student status or gender, majority of students agree that it is important for Penn State to be a diverse and inclusive institution.
  • Identity
    • Overall, the top three important aspects to students’ identities are education, skills and/or career (86.6), ethic and personal values (82.1%), and appearance (64.8%). 
    • Both undergraduate and graduate/professional domestic students of color were significantly more likely to think about their identities and feel that it is important to connect various aspects of their identities compared to their peers.
  • Experiences with bias and bystander intervention
    • Overall, 26.0% have witnessed hateful or biased acts or speech in the last year.
    • If students were to witness or experience an act of hate or bias (based on race/ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, ability status, or sexual orientation), 49.6% indicated that they would know where to report behavior.
  • Feelings of safety
    • Most students reported feeling “very safe” in campus dining halls (74.6%), classrooms (72.3%), and the HUB-Robeson Center (69.3%).
    • On average, domestic white students were the most likely to feel safe in all spaces compared to domestic students of color and international students.
  • Programming/services
    • Overall, 63.6% of students agreed that programming and services offered at Penn State have helped them connect to the aspects of their identities.

For more information, please visit the PULSE Archive Page to view or download the Campus Recreation Survey Report.


105 White Building 
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1809
