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You do not have to file a formal report or press criminal charges to receive assistance. If you would like to discuss an incident confidentially, Penn State has resources available. Confidential resources will not disclose information about the incident.

If you have experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or relationship violence, stalking, or sexual exploitation, the University is committed to getting you the help and support you deserve. Confidential resources will not disclose your identity and any identifying information you have shared without your permission, and seeking advice from a confidential counselor does not constitute a report to the University or law enforcement. Keep in mind that if you disclose to a University employee who is not designated as a confidential resource, they may be obligated to pass information they learn about the incident along to the University’s Title IX Coordinator as a mandatory reporter.

See AD 91 and AD85 for more information.

The Relationship Violence Outreach, Intervention, and Community Education (R-VOICE) Center

The R-VOICE Center can provide you with confidential assistance, whether you are looking for emotional support, academic support, or information about reporting options. 

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS focuses on addressing the psychological needs and personal concerns of students that may interfere with their academic progress, social development, and emotional wellbeing. A CAPS counselor can speak with you confidentially to help you understand your options, provide support, and connect you with resources based on your needs.  

The Center For Sexual and Gender Diversity

The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity can provide you with confidential assistance, whether you are looking for emotional support, academic support, or information about reporting options. 

Centre Safe

Centre Safe is a community resource that supports anyone who has experienced dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Contact their confidential hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be connected with counselor/advocate.

Hotline: 1-877-234-5050

Commonwealth Campus Resources

Resource listings include medical providers, counselors, and Title IX Resource Person contact information. Resources designated with asterisks (**) are confidential. 


222U Boucke Building
325 Pollock Rd.
University Park, PA 16802

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 814-863-2027

If you feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, please call 911

24-hour confidential hotline: 
Centre Safe: 877-234-5050

Make an Appointment