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Basics on Belief Series

Religious Zines

Important Texts Zine

Spiritual Women Zine

Sacred Places Zine

Around the world there are hundreds of places that are sacred to the people who live there and religious communities worldwide. These places hold a special significance in human history for any number of reasons. Political centers, places of change, places of worship and spiritual development, and as symbols of sacredness.This
zine does not cover anywhere close to the total number of important holy sites in the world, it does give a few notables. It is hopefully inspiring to you and will empower you to learn more about sacred sites and even find them where you are!

Winter Holiday Zine

BHM Religion Zine

Fasting Zine

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Penn State Student Affairs
Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development

111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center - Eisenhower Chapel
University Park, PA 16802


Our events and programs are open to all students regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, or any other protected class. Student Affairs is committed to building a community of belonging for all.