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Arts PULSE Survey

The Arts PULSE Survey gathered feedback on students’ interest and participation in the arts at Penn State University Park campus. Results from the Fall 2019 administration of the survey reveal that:

  • 91.3% of students agreed that Penn State arts events reflect Penn State’s commitment to diversity/inclusion.
  • 77.4% of students attended at least one arts event, and 20.1% of students participated in at least one arts event.
  • The most popular types of events students attended were musical performances (60.0%), theatre productions (59.3%), and museums/art galleries (53.1%).
  • Among undergraduate students, the most popular types of events were musical performances (49.0%), theatre production (30.1%), and dance (25.5%). Graduate/professional students participated in the most in musical performances (46.9%), museum/art galleries (37.5%), and theatre production (28.1%). 
  • For both undergraduate and graduate/professional students, the top three barriers to arts engagement were “lack of time,” “cost of the event,” and “lack of knowledge about what events/programs are offered at Penn state.”
  • For both undergraduate and graduate/professional students, “discussions with artists before/after a performance” and “audience participation during performances” were the top reasons that encouraged them to attend an arts event. 

For more information, please visit the PULSE Archive Page to view or download the Arts PULSE Survey.


105 White Building 
232 Shortlidge Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1809