Student Organization Office & Storage Space
To be considered for any type of space in the HUB-Robeson Center, student organizations must be recognized and considered active through the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement.
Office Space Information
Recognized student organizations (RSOs) may apply for office space in the HUB-Robeson Center each year. RSOs must apply/reapply each year. The office space application period will open up every February and will be advertised on the President's ListServ, as well as throughout the HUB-Robeson Center. Space is not guaranteed from year to year. If your organization have any questions about the space allocation process, contact Mary Edgington at
- Criteria for Space
- Student Organization Office Space Application
- Student Organization Office Space Agreement
On-Campus Locker Space Information
- PLEASE NOTE: there are currently no locker spaces available at this time.
Locker space is available in the HUB-Robeson Center for RSOs. RSOs must apply/reapply each year. Lockers are not guaranteed from year to year. Your organization must be an active, registered student organization through the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement to apply and maintain locker space in the HUB-Robeson Center. The application for lockers is available in April.
- Please note that the available locker sizes are 23x24x35 or 28x19x35
Please look for updates via OrgCentral and this website. For specific questions, please contact Mary Edgington at
Off-Campus Storage Information
- PLEASE NOTE: there are currently no off-campus storage spaces available at this time.
In conjunction with the missions and goals of the HUB-Robeson Center, off-campus storage has been secured at the Glenn Summit Warehouse, generously funded by University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC).
- Off-Campus Storage has been secured for use by recognized student organizations that apply and are granted space in this area. This space is to be used for organizations who have large items or large amounts of items that cannot be stored in the locker space or in office space at the HUB-Robeson Center and/or in any other area on campus.
- Space is located at the Glenn Summitt Warehouse at 3500 E. College Avenue, State College, PA. Groups will be responsible for delivering and retrieving the materials in this space.
- Space will be available from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
Space can be requested by completing an online application. Please contact Mary Edgington at with any questions.