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Create a gig experience

A gig is a short-term project that can take anywhere from 5-20 hours to complete. Gig experiences are a great stepping stone for organizations that may be interested in hosting an internship experience in the future.

Several areas that lend well to these types of opportunities include:

  • marketing
  • social media
  • technical writing
  • many others

Posting a gig in Nittany Lion Careers

Share your gig with talented Penn State students and alumni in the Nittany Lion Careers job posting system to find the short-term talent you need.

  • Create an account or log-in to an existing one at

  • Post a new job and select ‘contract/gig’ as the job type

  • Add ‘gig’ to the job title so job seekers can easily find your opportunity

  • Include details in the job description like hours, deadlines, and details

Explore in this Section
Gig Experiences


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