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Freedom From Smoking® Program

The Freedom From Smoking® program is a free, eight session program designed to help you quit or reduce your smoking and/or vaping.  The program, offered by Health Promotion and Wellness, is facilitated by a professional staff member who has been trained by the American Lung Association. 

Each week a new module will help you address different aspects of the quitting process.  Based on information from the American Lung Association, research indicates that people who participate in Freedom From Smoking®:

  • Experience both immediate and long-term health benefits.
  • Learn to address and overcome the physical, mental and social aspects of their addiction.
  • Are six times more likely to be tobacco-free one year later than those who quit on their own.
  • When used in combination with cessation medication(s), up to 60% of Freedom From Smoking® participants report having quit by the end of the program.


The Freedom from Smoking program is free to all Penn State Students.

Begin Your Journey
For additional information, or to schedule your first appointment, contact Health Promotion and Wellness at 814-863-0461, or schedule online through myUHS.

Additional Nicotine Cessation Resources at Penn State

University Health Services offers individual consultation to students who wish to quit smoking or vaping. Consultations are facilitated by a health care provider during a regular medical exam.

  • During your appointment, you will be encouraged to set a quit date in writing.
  • If the clinician believes additional assistance is necessary, he or she may suggest various cessation products available through the University Health Services pharmacy
  • There is a basic exam fee for the appointment, as well as for cessation products. Please inquire with University Health Services for more information.
  • Schedule an appointment

National Nicotine Cessation Resources