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Dedicated and Shared Space

  1. Office hours are to be posted on the door of your office space.  Organizations are expected to maintain advertised office hours.  Failure to hold office hours can result in the loss of your space.  It is the responsibility of the organizations in the offices to work out a schedule that allows everyone to conduct individual office hours within the shared space.  Please be accommodating and respectful to all organizations sharing your space.  Office space is not to be used for sleeping. It is strictly designated for conducting organization business.
  1. Office space is to be kept clean.  Your office space is to be kept organized and clean.  Please be respectful to the other organizations sharing your space.  Food is not to be left in the office.  Any damages to the office or furnishings will be the responsibility of your organization, and your organization will be billed for the repair or replacement.  Food trays are to be taken down to the ground floor daily, not placed on the recycle bins or on the floor.  They are not to be kept in the offices.  Items cannot be kept on top of the radiator due to fire safety issues.
  1. Students who utilize office space in the HUB-Robeson Center are expected to practice Penn State’s Sustainability mission which states that sustainability will be comprehensively integrated into the University’s research, teaching, outreach, and operations as it prepares students, faculty, & staff to be sustainability leaders.  All students who use student office space in the HUB are expected to recycle their products and use the recycling containers found throughout the HUB.  No trash cans, etc. are permitted in the office areas.
  1. Appliances in offices.  To keep in alignment with current sustainability initiatives at the University, a HUB Appliance Policy has been developed.   An inventory of appliances in the HUB including student organization office space was completed on April 1st, 2014.  All organizations that currently have appliances in their offices will be able to continue to have those until further notice.  No additional appliances will be granted in the offices. 
  1. Do not remove chairs from other areas.  If you would like additional chairs for your office, please contact Brad Wagner at 865-2221.  He will review your request and accommodate if appropriate.  
  1. Hanging of items on the wall is not permitted.  Please contact Brad Wagner at 814-865-2221 if you do have some items you would like to be hung on the walls.  Any damage to the office walls resulting from the hanging of items will be billed to your organization for the repair.  DO NOT USE TAPE ON ANY WALL SURFACE.
  2. Furniture is not to be removed from the office.  All physical changes to the office including the addition or removal of any furniture must be approved in advance by either the Senior Director of the HUB-Robeson Center or the Director of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center.  Each organization has a desk, desk chair, a SHARED whiteboard, and a conference table with chairs.
  3. Offices are assigned to carry on normal club business and for small committee meetings.  It is not to be used as a storage facility.  It is extremely important to be mindful of others if you are in a shared office.  Locker space may be available for storage.  See staff in Room 237 for additional information regarding student organization locker space.
  4. Meeting Space is available.  Larger meeting space is available at no cost through the Event Management Office in 125 HUB or on CollegeNet/25Live.  A member from the Event Management Office will review the policies and procedures with you when scheduling those rooms.
  5. If your organization is sponsoring a fundraiser out of your assigned office space, you must register the event with the Event Management Office in 125 HUB-Robeson Center.
  6. No money may be stored in your office.  There is a night deposit slot by the ASA office for that purpose.

Fire Alarms/Evacuation of the building

When a fire alarm sounds you must evacuate the building.  Building staff will direct people to exit the building.  As a tenant of the HUB-Robeson Center, it is your responsibility to follow these protocols.


At times, disputes may arise within offices.  It is the responsibility of those involved in the dispute to resolve the dispute swiftly and respectfully.  However, if the dispute cannot be resolved, please contact the Administrative Staff Assistant in Room 237. The Student Activities Office and the HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board will be notified.  Unresolved problems can result in possible sanctions, including the loss of your office space.  Please remember to always practice the Penn State Values of Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, Community, Integrity, and Excellence.

Storage Lockers

There are a limited number of free storage lockers available to organizations.   Lockers are located in room 303 HUB-Robeson Center and in the third-floor lounge and are accessible 24 hours.   For information on how to obtain a locker, contact the Administrative Support Assistant in Room 237 at 814-863-9755.

Student Organization Officers

This manual contains important information regarding your office space.  This has been designed to help you and your new officers with the office transition each year.

  • Office space is assigned yearly.  Space is assigned for fall and spring semesters.  Organizations MUST APPLY YEARLY to be considered for office space.  You are not guaranteed space from year to year.  A letter will be sent electronically to all recognized organizations at the beginning of the spring semester containing dates and deadline information for the online application process for space. 
  • It is recommended to keep a file containing important information about the following:
    • Applying for space;
    • Submitting ID numbers for card swipe access to the office.

Updating Offices

Please make sure your organization has the current officers’ information in the online student organization management system OrgCentral. We will use this information to contact you with important information throughout the year.

Mailbox Files 

Each recognized organization has a mail file located at the HUB Information Desk.  All correspondence received by the University for your organization is placed in this file.  Please check this file often!  Money should never be placed in this file.  Package delivery notices will be placed in your files as well.  A member of the organization will need to sign for pick-up of any packages.

Card Swipe Access

The President will be required to fill out a card swipe access agreement and to provide a list of members who are permitted to access the office. The president is responsible for this space and also who has access to space.  Forms need to be submitted to Room 237.  Card swipe access will be cleared beginning early July 2020.  You must submit a list of those that need card swipe access prior to July 2020.

Please keep the offices locked at all times.

Use of the Office

OFFICE SPACE IS ASSIGNED YEARLY.  YOU MAY NOT SHARE SPACE WITH ANOTHER ORGANIZATION UNLESS DESIGNATED BY THE HUB-ROBESON CENTER ADVISORY BOARD.   There are two different types of space – dedicated and shared.  Your space agreement has designated what type of space you have been assigned.


HUB-Robeson Center
University Park, PA 16802

Information Desk: