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Fraternity and Sorority Experience Survey for Campuses

The Fraternity and Sorority Experience Survey (FSES) assesses member experiences in the context of their chapter involvement as part of the fraternity and sorority community.  Additionally, if school consortiums participate, results may identify your institution’s strengths and challenges among your peers.

  • Recognize chapter cumulative norms
  • Identify differences between new members, active members, and leaders
  • Examine council differences in your community

Participating institutions can use the FSES data to create chapter, council type, athletic conference, and community benchmarks as well as make critical decisions on where to focus programmatic and advising support to create healthier and safer chapters and communities.

Create a deeper understanding of your chapters. The FSES provides you analysis and reports to identify:

  • Chapter norms
  • Identify differences between
    • New members
    • Active members
    • Leaders
  • General differences between
    • Chapters and councils
    • Program participation
    • Cohorts of campuses
      • Types of campuses

Participating Institutions Receive

  • Online access to the Fraternity and Sorority Experience Survey©
  • Two survey completion updates over the course of the data collection period
  • Executive summary report outlining select findings
  • Individual chapter analyses
  • Benchmarking data by member type, and school consortia, as applicable
  • Consultation services to assist in data use, as applicable
  • Full cleaned data set in the SPSS Statistics File Format including an aggregate summary

Report Examples

Administration Steps

The Piazza Center can help professionals target advising and policies to create healthier and safer fraternities and sororities. The FSES measures academic experiences, values, alcohol and drug use, social issues, bystander intervention, chapter operations, and community found in your institution’s fraternity and sorority experience.

Express your interest

Review your needs

  • Set up phone or ZOOM meeting to review your reporting needs and plans
  • Review anticipated timeline for administration
  • Review additional survey questions
  • Review data use consultation needs

Survey Specifics

  • Distribution strategies
  • Survey incentives
  • List development
  • Organizational data approvals
  • Invitation, reminder, and ending messages


  • Summarize specifics needs
  • Contract and invoice

Survey Launch

  • Survey administration window
  • Receive participation reports and updates
  • Custom reminder emails


  • Data cleaning and sharing
  • Executive summary, community, council, and chapter reports

Consultation (Optional)

  • Schedule a pre-consultation meeting to discuss your needs
  • Additional data analysis, assist with data use, and/or presentation

The Piazza Center will work with the client to determine a schedule for consultation sessions and applicability with campus stakeholders. 

Regardless, of consulting, after six months, the Piazza Center will follow up with the client to see how they are using the data in their organization. 


Pricing is based on membership in the community. 

Description Price
Communities under 1,500 members $1,500
Communities between 1,500 and 3,500 members $3,500
Communities with more than 3,501 members $5,500
Additional Survey Questions $100
Consulting Services (5 hours) $1,000