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Raffle and Event Ticket Printing

Is your student organization hosting a raffle, concert, comedian, speaker, or banquet? Student Organization Printing Support can provide tickets for your event. Tickets are free for registered events held by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) at University Park courtesy of the Student Initiated Fee

Submission Process

Student Organizations should fill out the online ticket request form. We will work with you to customize your tickets. 

  • Please Note: Tickets take AT LEAST 4 ACADEMIC DAYS. Please allow two academic days to receive ticket proofs for review. Once your proofs are approved, printing will take two more academic days for printing.

Review your proof carefully! If we have to reprint your tickets due to a mistake after you have approved the proof, you will be charged for the reprints. 

Ticket Policies


Please review the Social Events Policy regarding ticketing for events. Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) who plan to charge admission for on-campus events are required to use our ticketing services.


RSOs are required to use our ticketing services for raffle tickets and other chance-type drawings. RSOs must obtain a Small Game of Chance License from the Centre County Treasurer's Office at the Willowbank Building in Bellefonte BEFORE submitting a ticket request. 

For additional information regarding raffle tickets, please review the Small Games of Chance webpage. 

Common Questions

Our current ticket colors are purple, blue, orange, and green. We only have a small selection of colors because we cannot afford to keep a large inventory, so we cannot accommodate special color requests. 

All student organizations selling tickets with a cost of $5.00 or more for on-campus entertainment events* will have a $0.75 impact fee assessed for each ticket sold. This is a tax imposed by the local municipality for extra expenditures due to the occurrence of paid events within the municipality.  

You may choose to increase your ticket price to make up that fee. 

Tickets for banquets, registrations, raffles, or meals only do not require an impact fee.

*Please note that events are considered on-campus if they are hosted on a Penn State platform, such as Zoom. 

Yes. You can upload a black and white logo when submitting the ticket request form. Our tickets can only be printed in black and white, so if your logo does not render properly in black and white, we may not be able to use it. The logos that work best are simple graphics or text-only logos. 

Yes. We can include a QR code. We ask that you have a QR code or a logo, but not both due to space limitations. Even if you include a QR code, there is some information we are required to print directly on the ticket, so we will ensure that information is included. 

If you have multiple ticket prices for different attendees (e.g. children, general public, students, etc.) we require each price to be a separate ticket so that Associated Student Activities can track how many tickets are sold at each price point. If you have 4 prices or fewer, each will be printed on a different color ticket. If you have more than 4 groups, we will need to repeat colors due to limited ticket stock. 

Student organizations can choose to have printed or electronic tickets (NOT BOTH). Organizations must indicate in 25Live which option they will be using

Printed tickets are obtained through the free ticketing service provided by Student Organization Printing Support.

If organizations would prefer electronic tickets, they can use an online ticketing platform, such as Eventbrite for ticket sales. If using an online ticketing platform, all tickets would be printed directly from their site. Please note that organizations will not have access to funds from sales until after the event has occurred. For more information on this option, please contact the Student Organization Office,

Wristbands are provided through the HUB Event Office. Typically, these are discussed when you have your event consultation to discuss room set-ups and other details. If you need more information or have questions, you can contact the HUB Event Office directly. They are located in 125 HUB-Robeson Center. Or you can call, 814-865-7973 or email,


201 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-3398
