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Career Services is committed to offering a comprehensive array of programs and services that supports and facilitates career development for all students. 

How can Career Services help?

  • Coach your student on career goals throughout their time at Penn State
    Our staff is in your student's corner. We can work with your student to help them make an informed decision based on their specific interests and needs. Building a relationship with a career expert can help your student feel more confident and prepared professionally. 

  • Serve as a resource and help your student prepare for the world of work
    Career Services staff is prepared to help regardless of where your student is in their career journey. We can help identify majors that may fit interests, explore how to connect a major with career opportunities, or help prepare your student professionally with coaching. Every student is different; let us help customize a career plan.

  • Connect your student with excellent career resources
    Our office provides services, programs, and resources to assist your student with career exploration, planning, and implementation. We plan career fairs, bring in speakers, and teach career classes to help your student be the most they can be.

  • Serve as leaders in the career field
    Our staff aims to be national leaders in informing on recent post-graduation data, starting salaries, and more.

Learn about what Penn Staters do after graduating.

Recent graduates are surveyed annually. Learn where Penn State recent graduates are going, experiences they had while in college, and average salaries.
See Post-Grad data for Penn State students

Common Career Questions

Our career offices hear some frequent questions from parents and families about how they can help support their student.

Our offices will gladly answer any questions parents and families may have but encourage you to empower your student to ask these questions themselves. Building career confidence early can help establish your student as a self-sufficient professional.

The earlier, the better!

Although first-year students may not be looking for an internship or have a career path yet, career offices can help your student start to understand how to build their resume and networking skills to stand out.

The ultimate career portal for Penn Staters

Nittany Lion Careers is the online recruiting system used by all Penn State career offices across all academic colleges. This system houses internship and co-op postings, full-time entry level opportunities, upcoming information sessions, professional development workshops, and more.

Use resources and reach out

Along with Nittany Lion Careers, students can attend career fairs as well as apply through company websites. Students should make an appointment with a career office to enhance their skills with resume writing, mock interviews, networking tips, and more.

It depends. 

Students should refer to their specific college career office for guidance regarding internship credit.

It all depends on the organization

While most internships are paid, some are not. If the internship is unpaid, students should receive academic credit for their internship.

As for housing, some companies are able to provide an allowance. Others may include housing considerations in the intern hourly rate or stipend. Students should ask about this once they have received an offer.

It depends. 

Students should refer to their specific college career office for guidance regarding internship credit.

Opportunities: Defined

An internship is four months or less while a co-op is at least six months. Students should discuss their interests with a career counselor and academic advisor to plan to fit an internship or co-op experience into their education right away.

There are too many to name!

Thousands of companies recruit our students during the academic year through job postings, professional development events, and career fairs. Employers range from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

It can happen

Yes, it is possible for students to have an internship after graduating. Some companies or organizations have even implemented post-graduate internships as part of their recruitment process for full-time employment

We're here when they are far

Even though your student may be abroad they can still access career resources and Nittany Lion Careers to look and apply for internships or jobs. Students can still participate in on-campus interviews virtually and can request a phone or virtual appointment with their career office.

How to support your student

Be in your student's corner and encourage career development early. Use the following tips to start the conversation and help your student start thinking like a professional.

Important Career Resources for Students

Knowing where to look for help is half the battle in finding career success. Our career counseling team is available for coaching and counseling support with appointments or drop-in services. Encourage your student to explore the vetted resources below, too.

Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applications

Upcoming Career Events

Encouraging your student to be active on campus is key to them finding career success during and after Penn State. Career events are scheduled throughout the year by a wide variety of offices and units.

Hire a Penn Stater!

Is your organization looking for great talent? Consider supporting Penn State as a hiring recruiter! Learn about how you can get involved on campus, post openings, and connect with the talent you need.
Learn how to get involved at Penn State as an employer


101 Bank of America Career Services Center
University Park, PA 16802


Career Guide Online

Schedule a virtual career counseling appointment 
Search opportunities on Nittany Lion Careers 
Use career resources onlineFind drop-in career counseling hours