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The Pennsylvania State University has a long-standing tradition of encouraging and supporting participation in recognized student organizations to enhance co-curricular transformational educational experiences for students and create a positive and inclusive culture across campus.

This guide is designed to enumerate various policies and rules of recognition for Penn State student organizations and provide resources and guides for the successful operation of a student organization recognized at Penn State. These policies and rules are also intended to clarify the University’s relationship to student organizations recognized at Penn State and are intended to reflect the institution’s concerns and interests for promoting awareness, values, and responsible behavior.

It is important to note that when persons are functioning in the capacity as members of a student organizations recognized at Penn State, a student organization and its officers may be held collectively or individually responsible for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Student organizations may be charged with violations of the Student Code of Conduct without regard to whether members of such organizations are individually charged with violations arising from the same misconduct. A position of leadership in a student organization entails responsibility. Student officers or leaders cannot knowingly permit or condone any violation of the Student Code of Conduct by the organization, through your action or inaction. In your role as a student leader, you have a responsibility to take action to prevent violations of the Student Code of Conduct, and at minimum to notify the appropriate staff/advisor if you become aware of a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Policies and Rules for Student Organizations are subject to change throughout the academic year. The most recent version can be found at

Administrative clarification and interpretation of policies administered by the Division of Student Affairs can be obtained by submitting a written inquiry or request to the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement or her/his designee. The Director of Student Leadership and Involvement will furnish a written response within fifteen business days. The Vice President for Student Affairs can review the response of Director of Student Leadership and Involvement, upon written request by the original individual/organization, within fifteen business days of receiving the response of the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement Office.

I. Recognition of Student Organizations

Conduct and Responsibility

1. All student organizations recognized at Penn State will be held responsible by the University for abiding by federal, state, and local laws, as well as all University regulations, including the Student Code of Conduct ( The Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response utilizes the following procedures to address allegations of organizational misconduct:

2. The University may become involved in the off-campus conduct of student organizations recognized at Penn State when such conduct is determined to have taken place during any University Sponsored Activity or Student Organization event or activity, or at any other location when the University can demonstrate a clear and distinct interest as an academic institution to address such conduct.


  1. No organization which discriminates on the basis of any protected category as set forth in University policy AD-85 and AD-91 shall obtain or maintain University recognition. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. 
  2. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information, or political ideas. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff or students will not be tolerated at the Pennsylvania State University. Considerations shall be given to organizations which may be exempt from Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, relating to discrimination on the basis of gender. Attendance and participation in programs and activities which are open to all students and/or the public at large must comply with the University’s non-discrimination policies.


  1. Student organizations recognized at Penn State may not engage in HAZING ACTIVITIES. In accordance with policy AD98 the following definitions apply.
  2. Hazing is defined as when a person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting, or affiliating a minor or student into or with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a minor or student’s membership or status in an organization, causes, coerces or forces a minor or student to do any of the following: 

        i. Violate Federal, State, or Municipal law or University policy or procedure;

       ii. Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance which subjects the minor or student to a risk of emotional        or physical harm;

      iii. Endure brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, or exposure to the elements;

      iv. Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep          deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment;

       v. Endure brutality of a sexual nature;

      vi. Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the minor or student.

  3. Aggravated Hazing is defined as when a person commits a violation of hazing that results in serious bodily injury or death to the minor or student;

        i. and the person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of the minor or students; or

       ii. the person causes, coerces, or forces the consumption of an alcoholic liquid or drug by the minor or student.

  4. Organizational Hazing is defined as when an organization intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly promotes or facilitates a violation of hazing or aggravated Hazing.

Any activity as described in this definition upon which the initiation or admission into or affiliation with or continued membership in a student organization recognized at Penn State is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be "forced" activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Any student organization recognized at Penn State that commits hazing is subject to formal student conduct action. Students suspended or expelled from the University due to a conduction violation are not eligible for active or associate membership during the suspension or expulsion period of the suspension or expulsion.

Organizational Naming, Membership, and Mission.

  1. The official name or title of a student organization recognized at Penn State must not be misleading as to the purpose or nature of the organization. Acronyms are not permitted in official organization names. Organizations are restricted from using trademarked or registered names in their official title (except as permitted in Section C.1 of these policies). Names and titles of student organizations must be unique and distinguishable from existing student organizations.
  2. Only currently registered students shall be eligible for active membership status in student organizations. All other persons, including faculty, staff, and community members, may be admitted to associate membership. All associate members must be 18 years of age or older. Dual enrolled high school students are not eligible for active membership.  They may be associate members if they are 18 or older.
  3. Undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled full-time or part-time at the time of their appointment or election to be eligible to serve as appointed or elected officers within their organizations. Also, all officers of all student organizations must be enrolled at the campus where the organization is recognized and remain a degree-seeking student for their term. Student organizations may establish and apply additional eligibility criteria for appointed or elected leaders/officers if the criteria do not violate the University’s non-discrimination policy (Section I.A.2) with the Student Leadership and Involvement Office and the Office of Student Affairs/Student Life at Commonwealth Campuses approval.
  4. The purpose or purposes of a student organization must not conflict with the educational functions or established policies of the University. It is incumbent upon any person presenting objections to the application for recognition or continuance of an organization to demonstrate how and in what manner the registration or continuance of that organization would conflict with the policies of the University. These concerns should be directed to the Student Leadership and Involvement Office at University Park and the Office of Student Affairs/Student Life at Commonwealth Campuses.
  5. The purpose and/or functions of a student organization must not duplicate those of an existing student organization recognized at Penn State. This requirement, however, is not applicable to an organization with religious or political purposes and/or functions as declared in its constitution on file with the university. The university may rescind the recognized status of an organization upon a determination that the organization is no longer fulfilling the purposes and/or functions described in its constitution. If an organization feels that a newly recognized organization duplicates its stated purpose as set forth in its constitution, it may seek a review through Director of Student Leadership and Involvement at University Park or the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee) at Commonwealth Campuses. This is accomplished by providing a letter explaining how another organization duplicates its stated purpose. Preference is given to the organization that has had recognized status longer and is in good standing. 
  6. If there is reasonable cause to believe that the organization seeking recognition is merely a reconstitution, in some form, of an organization that has lost University Recognition, the request for recognition may be denied.  Reasonable cause to draw this conclusion may be based on any number of multiple factors, including overlapping membership, similarity of purpose, and the timing of both the prior loss of recognition and the request for new recognition. If it is determined that a student organization recognized at Penn State is a reconstitution of a previous organization that lost University recognition, recognition shall be revoked if there is reasonable cause to do so.
  1. Sponsored Student Organization (SSO): These student organizations are sponsored by a University department or unit and engage in activities that support the purpose, goals, or objectives of that department and align with the mission of the University. They have a direct relationship with a unit or department and, while they may receive other types of funding, the department is the organization’s primary source of direct and indirect support. The unit or department has the primary authority to manage the organization and make organizational decisions, but students are directly involved in and contribute to organizational or programmatic decision-making. The department must formally designate at least one full-time faculty or staff member who is responsible, as part of their job duties, for managing and supervising the organization. [Currently at University Park Campus]
  2. Affiliate Student Organization (ASO): These student organizations are affiliated with a University department or unit and engage in activities that support the purpose, goals, or objectives of that department and align with the mission of the University. They have a close relationship with a unit or department and, in addition to other sources of funding, may receive direct or indirect financial support from the hosting department to help support their activities. The unit or department must formally designate at least one full-time faculty or staff member who is responsible, as part of their job duties, for advising and supervising the organization. Students may have the primary authority to manage the organization and make organizational decisions, but the advisor can override decisions that present undue risk, do not support, and align with the mission of the University, or do not support and align with the purpose of the organization. [Currently at University Park Campus]
  3. Registered Student Organizations (RSO): All recognized student organizations not designated as Sponsored Organizations or Affiliate Organizations are Registered Organizations. They are formed by students based on a shared purpose or activity. They operate independently with the advice of an advisor, who may be a full-time faculty or staff member at the University (or a graduate student, as a co-advisor only, see Section 1.H.). The students are the decision-makers of the organization; the advisor may only guide and advise and does not have the authority to override decisions. The advisor elects to take on the role and responsibilities, it is not part of their formal job description or duties. RSOs may be considered General RSOs, Physical Activity/Dance RSOs, Club Sport Teams, or Fraternity/Sorority Life RSOs. [Available at all campuses]
  1. Sponsored Student Organizations (SSOs): The organizations act as agents of the University. The sponsoring department is responsible for supervising and directing the activities of the organization.  
  2. Affiliate Student Organizations (ASOs): These organizations are closely linked to the University. The University provides oversight and assistance for sanctioned activities to help ensure that the goals of the organization and the University are being met. In order to host an affiliate organization, the department must enter into a memorandum of understanding that outlines the responsibilities of the department, advisor, and organization, While the activities of ASO’s generally align with the mission of the University and purpose of the affiliated unit, students retain significant decision-making authority in ASO’s and, therefore, ASO’s may express opinions or participate in activities that may not reflect the views of Penn State and its communities. 
  3. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs): These groups operate independently, seeking advice and guidance as needed from a faculty or staff advisor. 
    1. Recognition of RSOs shall not be construed as agreement, support, or approval by the University, but only as acknowledgement of the rights of the organization to exist at the University, subject to the conditions enumerated herein. Recognized Registered student organizations may express opinions or participate in activities independently that and may not reflect the views of Penn State and its communities
  4. Unregistered groups: Students who organize groups, events, or activities that do not have the status of an active Sponsored Student Organization, Affiliate Student Organization or Registered Student Organization are not permitted to assert any affiliation with the University. Such groups do not enjoy any of the privileges of recognized organizations. The University does not supervise, control, advise or assist such groups. Students remain individually responsible for adhering to the standards of behavior set forth in the Student Code of Conduct while participating in unrecognized groups. 

Use of University Marks

  1. Guidelines for Use of University Marks in Student Organization Names. All student organizations recognized at Penn State are considered to be “at Penn State.” Student Organizations are not required to use “Penn State” naming in their official organization names. If a student organization would like to use university names in their name, they may do so under the following guidance:
    1. If organization name includes Club, Chapter, Society, Association, etc.,
      1. Can use Penn State, PSU, or The Pennsylvania State University in the beginning of the Organization Name
      2. Example: Penn State Cosplay Student Association
    2. If organization name does NOT include Club, Chapter, Society, Association, etc.,
      1. Can use at Penn State, at PSU, or at The Pennsylvania State University at the end of the Organization Name
      2. Example: Cosplay at Penn State 
    3. Student organizations recognized at Penn State may not use any other University names, trademarks, or logos in their official title
      1. Exception: Sponsored Student Organizations may use sponsoring department names, trademarks, and logos with permission from the sponsoring department
    4. If an organization does not currently have a “Penn State” name in their official name, they are still permitted to utilize those names on merchandise and advertising if the above conditions and regulations for ordering through approved vendors are met.
      1. Example: Cosplay can order shirts through an approved vendor that say Cosplay at Penn State. They cannot order shirts that say Penn State Cosplay (because their name does not say club, student, association, etc.)
  2. Approval Required for Uses of University Marks by RSOs. Use of certain University names, trademarks, images, and logos is a privilege of recognized student organizations. Recognized student organizations are permitted to use the University Recognized Student Organization Shield Mark and the University Paw Mark according to the templates created by the University for Recognized Student Organizations available by contacting the Student Leadership and Involvement Office at The University Recognized Student Organization Shield Mark may not be graphically modified. For guidelines related to all uses of the University Recognized Student Organization Shield Mark and the University Paw Mark (e.g., websites, marketing materials, promotional items), please contact the Student Affairs Communications and Marketing Office at Any approved use of the Marks must comply with all University policies and guidelines.
  3. Penn State Club Sports teams may use the Penn State Athletics mark on competition gear (e.g., uniforms used in competitive play) provided that the word “Club” appears in the name as required by The Pennsylvania State University Campus Recreation Club Sports Manual Section 7 Promotion and Publicity. For all other items, including team leisurewear, water bottles, bags, marketing materials, or other merchandise, the guidelines for all recognized student organizations apply. When purchasing competition gear or non-competition gear using any of the Penn State marks, requests must be submitted to the Competitive Sports in Campus Recreation,, for approval.
  4. Merchandise featuring University Recognized Student Organization Shield Marks or other approved marks. Any approved use of University Indicia on products or merchandise (for commercial use or internal use) must be manufactured by a licensed vendor. For a list of approved licensed vendors, please visit
  5. Recognized student organizations are not authorized to allow others to use the University’s Marks and may not use any other University name, trademark, or logo in any manner that is not explicitly provided for in this Handbook, University Policy AD 7, or any other established guidelines.

Use of University Facilities, Funds, Insurance, Sales Tax, Marketing Assistance

  1. Student organizations recognized at Penn State are not authorized to allow others to use the University’s Marks and may not use any other University name, trademark, or logo in any manner that is not explicitly provided for in this Handbook, University Policy AD 7, or any other established guidelines.
  2. Use of University Funds. Student organizations recognized at Penn State may petition for the use of University funds subject to University regulations and the regulations of the Student Fee Board, University Park Allocation Committee at University Park and/or published in the Student Government Association Fiscal Policy Manual at Commonwealth campuses.
  3. Insurance. Student organizations recognized at Penn State are covered by the General Liability and Non-owned Auto Liability Insurance policies for student organizations (Section VIII).
  4. Sales Tax. Student organizations recognized at Penn State may qualify for sales tax exemption for purchases made by the University when conducting student organization business under the Pennsylvania State University umbrella.
  5. Marketing Assistance. The University offers several marketing services for student organizations.
  6. All Student organizations recognized at Penn State are granted a website at and a page on the Student Engagement App (connected to OrgCentral). All student organizations recognized at Penn State may create a website at Further, Sponsored Student Organizations and Affiliate Organizations can check with their sponsoring or affiliated department to see if other website options are available to them.
  7. At University Park, the Student Leadership and Involvement Office coordinates Involvement Fairs at the start of the fall and spring semesters. All student organizations recognized at Penn State are given an opportunity to register for the fairs during which they can set up a table with information about their groups. Sign-ups for the fairs are on a first-come, first-served basis.
  8. At University Park, student organizations recognized at Penn State are permitted to place information in individual residence hall mailboxes. A “Commons Desk Flyer Distribution Request” must be submitted and approved for this to occur. These forms can be accessed from the Commons Desk Manager’s Office in East Halls, 133 Johnston Commons, or by calling 814-865-0313.
  9. Student organizations can place flyers/materials on general purpose bulletin boards throughout campus.
  10. At University Park, Registered Student Organizations may use the services provided by the Student Affairs Marketing Center located in Boucke Building.
  11. Student organizations are not given access to mailing information for students or parents at either their local or permanent addresses.
  1. At University Park the authority to recognize student organizations is hereby delegated by the President through the Vice  President for Student Affairs to the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement.
  2. At Commonwealth campuses the authority to recognize student organizations is delegated by the President through the Vice President for Student Affairs to the campus Chief Student Affairs Officer or to his/her designee (e.g., Office of Student Life).

At University Park

  1. Any student group seeking recognition at Penn State University Park must first complete the New Recognized Student Organization Request through the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement, via Once reviewed, an organization may be asked to attend a meeting prior to approval. Once approved, an organization must complete the recognition requirements to achieve a fully recognized, active status
  2. Application materials include:
    1. Create a constitution based on policies and procedures as outlined in Policies and Rules for Recognized Student Organizations and guidelines in the “Sample Constitution.”
    2. Complete an officer listing. The President and Treasurer of the organization cannot be the same student.
    3. Submit a membership list with a minimum of 10 student members. 
    4. Secure a university advisor (must be a full-time faculty or staff member employed at Penn State-University Park), with a submitted Advisor Approval form
    5. Approval from the Office of Residence Life if the organization is a special living option in the residence halls.
    6. Recognition also includes completion of required officer training
    7. Affiliate Student Organizations, the affiliated unit or department must also submit a signed Departmental Agreement confirming consent to their affiliation with the student organization
  3. The following types of organizations will be handled as outlined below. 
    1. Organizations which may be affiliated with a Fraternity/Sorority Governing Council will be directed to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL). OFSL will then notify the Student Leadership and Involvement office of its approval for recognition.
    2. Club sport organizations will be directed to the Office of Club Sports for review and approval for recognition in accordance with their policies and procedures. The office of Club Sports will then notify the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement of its approval for recognition. 
    3. Special Consideration Organizations are those involved in activities considered too dangerous for general recognition. These groups will be directed to the Office of Risk Management to communicate with the related college’s administration to determine if the college is willing to support their recognition. Once the group receives the endorsement from the college and Risk Management, the Office of Risk Management will notify the Student Leadership and Involvement office of its approval for recognition. Approval from Environmental Health and Safety, the Office of Risk Management, and/or the Office of Ethics and Compliance if the activities and/or programs of the organization are considered high risk. Additional requirements may be determined by the Environmental Health and Safety Office, the Office of Risk Management, and/or the Office of Ethics and Compliance. Recreational sport-based clubs that do not compete externally to campus will be reviewed based on the Competitive Sports Risk Matrix. Only organizations falling with the first two levels of sport-based risk may receive recognition as a student organization. A decision by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, the Office of Risk Management, or the Office of Ethics and Compliance that an organization has or will pose a risk to the safety of its members, or the public will not be eligible for recognition as a university student group. The decision shall be final and not subject to appeal.
  4. Organizations can be recognized in the following categories. Organizations can only choose one category and the Student Leadership and Involvement office reserves the right to change the category as deemed necessary in its sole judgment. These are the categories:
    1. Agriculture and Environment
    2. Business and Management
    3. Content Creation and Media
    4. Club Sports Teams*
    5. Councils, Governments, & Programming
    6. Culture and Community
    7. Dance
    8. Engineering and Technology
    9. Fraternities**
    10. Fraternities Co-Ed**
    11. Games and Recreation
    12. Graduate Student Organizations – Academic
    13. Graduate Student Organizations – Community
    14. Healthcare Professions
    15. Honor Societies
    16. Humanities
    17. Military
    18. Music and Performing Arts
    19. Philanthropic
    20. Political Interest and Activism
    21. Religion and Spirituality
    22. Science and Mathematics
    23. Service and Changemaking
    24. Sororities**
    25. Special Interest and Fan Clubs
    26. University Affiliated Student Organizations***
    27. University Sponsored Student Organizations***

      * Club Sports Teams are recognized by the Penn State Recreation Competitive Sports Office

      ** Fraternities/Sororities/Co-Ed Fraternities are recognized by the Penn State Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

      *** University Affiliated Student Organizations and Sponsored Student Organizations have special relationships with sponsoring departments and may have additional requirements to maintain standing. Affiliate and Sponsored Student Organizations can choose 1 additional category beyond their type.

  5. Any student organization seeking recognition at Penn State-University Park must adhere to the following timeline:
    1. Fall Semester: Completed during September. Annual dates include August 26 – September 26, 2024
    2. Spring Semester: Completed during December/January. Annual dates include December 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
    3. Late Spring Semester: Completed during April. Annual dates include April 1 – April 21, 2025
  6. Once the required materials have been reviewed and approved, the organization will be notified via email of the organization’s status.
  7. Decisions made within these processes can be appealed within 3 business days of the original decision by submitting a written request for appeal to the director of Student Leadership and Involvement or her/his designee. Appeals will be accepted from the students wishing to create an organization, members of an already existing organization, or an individual group within the University community. Appeals will only be granted in cases where new evidence is discovered after the decision was made or if applicable procedures were not followed. If the director of Student Leadership and Involvement (or his/her designee) determines that there are grounds for the appeal, a three-person panel comprised of two faculty/staff members and one student will be chosen to review and rule on the appeal. The panel's decision will be made within 5 business days of their receipt of the appeal request and will be final.

At Commonwealth Campuses: 

  1. To obtain recognition, contact the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life.

At University Park

   1. Organization Information on OrgCentral

       a. All student organizations recognized at Penn State must update their Officer and Advisor information via OrgCentral. Failure to                update information could result in the administrative suspension of all student organization privileges, including but not limited                to, active status, ability to reserve space, access to the organization’s ASA funds, and the ability to request UPAC funding.

   2. Student organizations that have not completed recognition requirements by posted deadlines will be considered unrecognized and        placed in an inactive status. Inactive organizations that wish to restart must reapply through the new organization process.

   3. Additional information may be required as requested by the Student Leadership and Involvement Office, including but not limited            to, a new constitution and advisor approval form.

   4. The President and Treasurer of an organization cannot be the same student.

   5. Training Requirements

       a. Officers must complete mandatory officer training workshops to maintain recognition status. These workshops begin in early                  August and run through September; additional workshops are posted during open New Organization windows and during officer            transitions.

       b. Presidents must attend RSO 101, Hazing Prevention, Inclusion & Belonging, and Executive Leadership. Please refer to the                          Student Organization website for dates, times, and locations (                organizations/training-development/mandatory-officer-training).

       c. Treasurers must attend RSO 101, Hazing Prevention, Inclusion & Belonging, Financial Management 1 & Financial Management 2.              Please refer to the Student Organization website for dates, times, and locations (              dent-life/student-organizations/training-development/mandatory-officer-training)

       d. Event Planners must attend RSO 101, Hazing Prevention, Inclusion & Belonging, and Event Planning. Please refer to the ASA web            site for dates and times, registration instructions and locations. Please refer to the Student Organization website for dates,                      times, and locations (                                              development/mandatory-officer-training)

  6. Student organizations recognized at Penn State must maintain at least 10 active members unless an exception is granted by the             Student Leadership and Involvement Office for demonstrated cause.

  7. The Student Leadership and Involvement Office shall have the authority to administratively suspend privileges of any student orga         nization due to the organization’s failure to abide by these procedures for maintaining recognition.

  8. Student organization officers and members must accurately represent the organization and their roles within the organization.

  9. When a student organization changes its name, constitution and/or bylaws, those changes are to be submitted to the Student                 Leadership and Involvement Office for its review, information, and approval prior to the changes becoming official via OrgCentral.           The most recently approved version of an organization’s constitution on file with the Student Leadership and Involvement Office is         the official constitution for the organization.

10. Organization Closure:

      a. Organizations may request to become inactive. This is accomplished by submitting a letter or email, signed by the president of                the organization, to the Student Leadership and Involvement Office or

      b. Organizations may also be closed due to a failure to meet the terms and conditions of a group holding recognized status

      c. Organizations may also be closed due to sanctions, including organizational suspension or expulsion, as assigned by the Office               of Student Accountability and Conflict Response

      d. An inactive organization is considered unrecognized and has no privileges of an active, recognized organization.

At Commonwealth campuses:

  1. Training conducted at Commonwealth campuses will be determined by each campus.
  2. Failure to meet the terms and conditions of a group holding recognized status could result in the organization being classified as inactive.

At University Park

  1. Allegations of misconduct by any student group at Penn State should be directed as follows:

    a. Any alleged behavior that may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be directed to the office of Student               Accountability and Conflict Response. Additional information about the student conduct process, including how to make a report,       can be found at

    b. For club sports, alleged violation of Campus Recreation policies and rules specific to club sports will be referred to the Senior             Assistant Director for Competitive Sports.

    c. For fraternities and sororities, alleged violation of Fraternity and Sorority Life policies and rules specific to fraternities and sororities     will be referred to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

    d. Failure to complete any assigned sanctions as a result of the student conduct process or specific departmental action may result       in additional violations and sanctions.

    e. Any organization that has lost recognition due to formal student conduct action or departmental specific action must obtain a full-     time university faculty or staff member advisor to petition for re-recognition

At Commonwealth campuses:

   1. Allegations of misconduct by any student group at Penn State should be directed as follows:

      a. Any alleged behavior that may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be directed to the office of Student                       Accountability and Conflict Response. Additional information about the student conduct process, including how to make a report,               can be found at

      b. For fraternities and sororities, alleged violations of individual Council governing documents will be referred to the appropriate Greek           Council.

      c. Failure to complete any assigned sanctions as a result of the student conduct process or specific departmental action may result in           additional violations and sanctions.

      d. Any organization that has lost recognition due to formal student conduct action or departmental specific action must obtain a full-             time university faculty or staff member advisor to petition for re-recognition

  1.  All student organizations recognized at Penn State are required to have at least one full-time faculty or staff advisor from the    campus where their organization is recognized. The guidelines pertaining to the role and responsibility of student organization    advisors and responsibilities of the organization to the advisor are available upon request through the Student Leadership and  Involvement Office at University Park, and through the Office of Student Affairs at Commonwealth Campuses.

    a. Sponsored Student Organizations. The sponsoring unit or department must identify and./ assign an advisor who, as part of their formal job duties, is responsible for managing and supervising the organization. The advisor may delete organizational and programmatic decisions to student members but must retain the ultimate authority for ensuring that the activities of the organization align with the mission of the University and purpose of the unit or department. Graduate Students may not serve as a co-advisor to a Sponsored Student Organization

    b. Affiliate Student Organizations. The affiliated unit or department must identify and assign an advisor who, as part of their     formal job duties, is responsible for advising and supervising the organization. Students have the primary authority to manage the   organization and make organizational and programmatic decisions. While the advisor may override student decisions, such authority should be reserved as a last year and the expectation is the advisor will endeavor to work through issues with students collaboratively whenever possible, providing guidance and constructive criticism, rather than dominating the group’s decision-making.

    c. Registered Student Organizations. The advisor can assist the organization by providing counsel on specialized subjects in which the advisor is experienced or an expert, and on general matters relating to the conduct of organizational affairs. Advisors are encouraged to offer constructive criticism and guidance without domination. Registered Student Organizations may have a graduate student (graduate assistant or teaching assistant) as a co-advisor to at least one full-time faculty or staff as the primary advisor.

   2. Some recognized student organizations may have specific staff or faculty assigned to work with them as part of the person’s work                    assignment. Other University faculty/staff may request assignment as an advisor by notifying in writing the Chief Student Affairs                      Officer (or his/her designee) at a campus or the Associate Director for Student Organizations at University Park. University officials                  will render a decision based on established policies and practices. Assignment is not guaranteed. Some high-risk activities may be                    excluded or acceptable only under limited circumstances. Those faculty and staff who are assigned to be advisors are accountable                  to their supervisors and shall be covered under the provisions of University liability insurance for acts arising within the scope of                      the advisor role.

   3. The Student Leadership and Involvement Office or her/his designee at University Park or the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or                            his/her designee) at Commonwealth campuses will verify that faculty and staff advisors are full-time. Those who choose to volun                      teer as an unofficial advisor and are not listed as a co-advisor in the OrgCentral interface shall do so in a personal capacity and                        not as employees, representatives, or agents of the University. Such individuals are not covered by University insurance for                     li        ability with their advisor activities.

   4. Graduate students may serve as a student organization co-advisor only if there is also a full-time University faculty or staff                                member serving as the primary advisor.

   5. All student organization advisors at Penn State have been identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), as defined by the                          Clery Act (The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990). One of the requirements of being a CSA is the completion                  of training annually about the responsibilities of a CSA. The training module can be found at For more information,                          please visit

II. Funding and Financial Affairs of Student Organizations at Penn State

  1. The primary source of funding for Registered Student Organizations and Affiliate Student Organizations is the Student Initiated Fee. Sponsored Student Organizations are eligible for funding support through the fee; however their primary source of funding is from their sponsoring unit or department. Annually, the Student Fee Board (SFB) recommends the Student Fee levels to the Vice President for Student Affairs who in turn recommends these levels to the President; The Board of Trustees provides final approval. Each year, the Chief Student Affairs officers at the Commonwealth campuses, in consultation with the allocation board and the SGA, elects the tier level they will charge for the following year. The student fee funds must be used according to the University’s Student Fee Handbook and the individual campus allocation committee policies and procedures. The Student Fee Handbook can be found at the following link:

At University Park: 

  1. The authority for allocation of the activities portion of the Student Initiated Fee is hereby delegated by the President of the University to the University Park Student Fee Board, then to the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC). UPAC will consider funding requests made by recognized student organizations and other campus groups on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  2. For banking and bookkeeping services, all recognized student organizations at University Park, except for fraternities and sororities affiliated with a Greek Council, must maintain an Associated Student Activities ASA bank account and student organizations on Commonwealth campuses with the Student Government Association, through the University financial system, SIMBA. All organizational accounts may be subject to an audit performed by the Office of Finance and Operations. At University Park, all Registered and Affiliate student organizations must conduct their financial affairs according to the written regulations of ASA and University Policies, and organizations at Commonwealth campuses must follow the written regulations that appear in the Student Government Association Fiscal Policy Manual. Sponsored Student Organizations finances will be handled through their sponsoring unit or department except in the case of UPAC allocated funding, in which a Sponsored Student Organization must maintain an ASA bank account.
  3. The financial operations of recognized student organizations must be conducted in accordance with all applicable local, state, federal laws and regulations and the student organization’s respective constitutions.  Recognized Student Organization officers have personal responsibility and accountability for the organization's finances and operations.  RSO’s must fulfill financial commitments agreed upon with second parties, including but limited to fellow RSOs, academic departments, and external vendors.
  4. At University Park, if a recognized student organization has outstanding expenditures and insufficient funds in their ASA account to cover the expenses, their ASA account may be suspended until payments are resolved. Only deposits and requests to alleviate outstanding balances will be approved during this time.

At Commonwealth Campuses: 

  1. The authority for allocation of such funds is delegated by the President of the University to the Commonwealth Fee Board, then to the Campus Allocation Committee. To review membership of the Campus Allocation Committee, review the SFB Handbook.
  2. See the SFB Handbook for information about how the Student Fee can and cannot be used.
  3. At Commonwealth campuses, appeals of alleged violations of the written regulations appearing in the Student Government Association Fiscal Policy Manual or of other rules established by the Student Government Association, shall be filed with the Chancellor, Chief Student Affairs Officer, or his/her designee.
  4. At Commonwealth campuses, any organization may petition the Student Government Association for a reconsideration of its allocation. Refer to campus specific Student Government Association bylaws for appropriate procedures.
  1. All student organizations selling tickets of $5.00 or more for entertainment events using University facilities will have a $.75 impact fee assessed for each ticket sold. The fee will be deposited into the ASA Impact Fee Account (account #9991) for transfer to the University. For events held in Eisenhower Auditorium and the Bryce Jordan Center or for which the Eisenhower/Bryce Jordan Center box office handles ticketing, the impact fee will be collected by the box office for transfer to the University. Patrons should be made aware of this impact fee at the time of purchase by an indication on each ticket.
  1. Funds raised by recognized student organizations shall be expended consistent with the stated purposes of those organizations.
  2. Such funds are subject to local, state, and federal laws, and to financial accountability. Financial accountability may include an annual audit conducted by the Financial Reporting Division of the Corporate Controller’s Office. At University Park, accounts must be maintained exclusively with ASA. External accounts are prohibited, including personal bank accounts. At Commonwealth campuses, accounts must be maintained by the Student Government Association.
  3. The liability insurance provided to Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and Affiliate Student Organizations (ASOs) DOES NOT include product liability coverage. If an RSO intends to buy and resell products or to buy component parts for assembly and resale (beyond food for bake sales etc., subject to University policies), they should be aware that this incurs substantial liability from consumers, for which there is no legal or financial protection to the RSO, its officers and members AND IS STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. RSO’s intending to pursue such a program should consult first with the Student Leadership and Involvement Office, which may request consultation with the Risk Management Office and others.
  1. Within parameters established by the University, student organizations may sell materials related to the purpose of the organization and may collect dues, initiation fees, donations, and admission charges for their activities. All funds raised are to be used for the ongoing support of the organizations’ activities. Within the context of recognized student organizations’ University-approved fundraising programs, only currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff members may benefit from the sale of personal property, which has not been purchased solely for resale purposes.
  2. At University Park, approval is required from the director of Student Leadership and Involvement or his or her designee or, if in the residence halls, from the senior director of Residence Life or his/her designee. At Commonwealth campuses, the approval of the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee) is required.
  3. Fundraising activities shall be defined as (a) donations without products or services being rendered or (b) activities that raise funds through direct sale of merchandise or service for the benefit of recognized student organizations with all funds to be used for the ongoing support of the organization’s (non-charitable) activities.
  4. Fundraising activities are subject to the following restrictions:
    1. No recognized student organization or residence hall house government shall have the right to disturb or infringe upon the privacy of the residents of University residence halls (in their rooms, study lounges, dining halls, etc.) or disturb or interrupt the conduct of classes or co-curricular activities for the purpose of raising funds.
    2. Commercial relationships between University organizations and off-campus agents must be articulated in a contract. Student organizations must use a University Vendor Agreement if the relationship involves on-campus activities. At University Park these agreements will be issued by the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement or his/her designee during the program registration process. 
    3. No individual can use University facilities to perform on their own commercial behalf, outside the context of a recognized student organization’s program.
    4. Funds representing a portion of the value of individuals’ property may be returned to those individuals by the sponsoring organization, according to a predetermined formula agreed upon by the sponsoring organization and the participating individuals.
    5. All recognized student organizations at University Park, including fraternities and sororities affiliated with a Greek Council, using the campus to raise funds must promptly deposit all funds in their ASA account no later than the first University business day after the event. Those organizations at Commonwealth campuses must make deposits to accounts with the Student Government Association.
    6. A proposed fundraising program of a student organization will not be approved if it is in direct conflict with the University's ongoing business operations or interests.
  5. For information about student organization requests for fund raising programs in Residence Halls involving the sale of personal property, please see section b below. All fund-raising activities not involving the sale of personal property must be scheduled in advance in the Event Management Office at University Park or the Office of Student Affairs at Commonwealth campuses. 
  6. Lectures, concerts, demonstrations, displays, or exhibits may not be used to promote commercial companies, products, or services unless approved by the University and University Vendor Agreements are completed.
  7. As required by law, raffles, lotteries, games of chance or the use of premiums are permitted only after securing a small games of chance license. Student organizations must maintain accurate records of revenues, expenses, prize winners and submit an annual report as required by law. More information can be found at
  8.  At University Park, the sale or service of food and/or beverages at any function or program open to the public and/or community by other than authorized University departments such as Housing and Food Services, Penn State Hospitality Services, University Creamery, or by an accepted external food and beverage provider contracting for food and beverage services, is prohibited. For recognized student organizations, requests for exceptions to the above policy requirements at University Park are submitted to the University Park Housing and Food Services Office via a food waiver form through the Office of Events Management or event space facility manager. Requests for exceptions from other University locations are submitted to the respective campus/college Housing and Food Service Office through the Office of Student Programs and Services. (At locations with no Housing and Food Services Operations, the request is submitted directly to the Director of Business Services.) After the application is reviewed with the respective offices as appropriate, actions relative to the request will be issued in writing from the Housing and Food Services Office (or the Office of Student Programs and Services, as appropriate). Refer to University Policy AD-26 for more information.  If an exception to the policy is made, food sales by recognized student organizations will be limited to products: 1) prepared by an external food and beverage provider or University food service, 2) not required to be temperature controlled, and/or 3) that are prepackaged for resale.
  9. Fundraising in the residence halls is subject to the following additional restrictions:
    1. Fundraising in the residence hall areas shall be restricted to residence hall house governments, area governments, and registered Living Learning Communities The area government can recommend to the senior director of Residence Life (at University Park) or the assistant/associate director of Residence Life (at Commonwealth campuses) that individual exceptions be granted for recognized campus student organizations.
    2. Fundraising shall be restricted to areas in the common's buildings (at University Park) or immediately outside dining facilities (at Commonwealth campuses) approved for activities, programs, and meetings.
    3. Fundraising shall be restricted to 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    4. Residence hall house governments or area government requests for fund raising programs should be submitted to the senior director of Residence Life or designee (at University Park) or the assistant/associate director of Residence Life (at Commonwealth campuses) for approval two weeks prior to the proposed date of the fund-raising activity. Further, groups sponsoring fund raising activities must register for use of facilities with the area government and the area Residence Life Office. At University Park, students must submit the online room reservation request form found at 
    5. This process must be completed at least six business days prior to the event and may require more time depending on the fundraising activity. Please consult with the area Residence Life Office for a specific timeline of your fund-raising activity.
    6. In the residence hall buildings, fund raising that takes place door-to-door is prohibited.
  10. Fundraising in non-residence hall campus locations is subject to the following additional restrictions:
    1. Fundraising activities of recognized student organizations shall be conducted at locations authorized by the Event Management Office at University Park and the Office of Student Affairs at Commonwealth campuses.
    2. Fundraising activities shall be restricted to the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. unless an exception is given by the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement at University Park or the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee) at Commonwealth Campuses.
  11. At University Park, all student organizations hosting programs for which an admission fee is charged, are subject to the following restrictions: 
    1. Appropriate University facilities should be scheduled in advance. Existing procedures for scheduling and use of University facilities should be followed.
    2. The treasurer of each sponsoring organization is charged with the overall responsibility for the proper handling of generated income from programs.
    3. The treasurer of Associated Student Leadership and Involvement (ASA) is responsible for the enforcement of University policies and rules governing student organization programming for which an admission fee is charged.
  12. All programs hosted by student organizations with an admission fee are required to have preprinted, consecutively numbered tickets or to make use of a third-party event registration service that can provide attendance management, detailed receipting, revenue reporting, and revenue payout in accordance with Policies and Rules for Student Organizations and the Associated Student Activities Treasurer’s Guide. If using physical tickets: 
    1. They must be obtained through the free ticketing service provided by the HUB-Robeson 
    2. Center’s Marketing Office, unless the venue hosting the event can provide ticketing service in accordance with the other policies outlined here. 
    3. The program income generated from ticket sales must be deposited into the student organization’s ASA account during the first regular business day after completion. All unused tickets must accompany each deposit of funds. 
    4. If using a third-party ticketing service, revenue should be deposited into the organization’s ASA account within one business day of receipt of the revenue disbursement. 
    5. Student organizations should keep a record of all ticket sales, indicating how many tickets were sold at each pre-set ticket price. Ticket accountability will be traced through the ticket request form and must be signed off by an ASA staff member.
    6. Ticket revenue MUST be deposited into the student organization’s ASA account and may not be used to pay upfront for other program or club expenses. Any program-related expense should be submitted to ASA and will be paid out of the organization’s account following the standard ASA procedure for reimbursement of expenses. 
  13. At Commonwealth campuses, all recognized student organizations that sponsor events or programs for which an admission fee is charged are subject to the following conditions:
    1. Facilities must be scheduled with the approval of the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life.
    2. Ticket sales and ticket accountability procedures are to be established. Refer to the SGA Fiscal Policy and Procedure Manual, Exhibit A for the ticket accountability form.
    3. All income generated is to be deposited within the appropriate budget, along with the necessary forms, including a ticket accountability report form.
  1. Solicitation activities shall be defined as
    1. Donations without products or services being rendered.
    2. Activities that raise funds through direct sale of merchandise or service for the benefit of non-University charitable organizations.
  2. Recognized student organizations and residence hall house governments desiring to solicit funds for non-University charitable organizations that they deem worthy of support may do so subject to the following restrictions: 
    1. All charities will require verification of their existence to the satisfaction of the University; 
    2. All solicited proceeds must be deposited promptly in the ASA Solicitation Account or with the appropriate student government account; 
    3. The University will take appropriate precautions to protect soliciting groups and potential contributors from undue outside pressure from professional fund raisers. 
      1. (Please refer to the Student Guide to General University Policies and Rules 2016-2017 or University Policy Manual, AD-6, AD-26, and AD-27 for more information)
  3. Solicitation in the residence halls is subject to the following additional restrictions:
    1. Solicitation activities shall be restricted to recognized student organizations and residence hall house/area governments and must be conducted on behalf of charitable organizations.
    2. Solicitation activities by recognized student organizations (other than house or area governments) must comply with University policy and meet all University requirements to be approved by the area government.
    3. Solicitation activities shall be restricted to areas in the common's buildings (at University Park) or the dining facilities (at Commonwealth campuses) approved for activities, programs, and meetings.
    4. Solicitations shall be restricted to 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
    5. Any eligible soliciting group must register for the use of facilities with the area government and area Residence Life Office using the “Terms and Conditions for Reservations and use of Common Area Spaces and Residence Hall Complexes” form found in the area Residence Life Offices at the Commonwealth Campuses or the online reservation form at University Park. This process must be completed a minimum of six business days prior to the event.
    6. Solicitation in residence hall buildings that takes place door-to-door or in dining facilities or the snack bars is prohibited.
  4. Solicitation in non-residence hall campus locations is subject to the following additional restrictions and is authorized by the Event Management Office at University Park and the Office of Student Affairs at Commonwealth campuses:
    1. Solicitations shall be conducted only at authorized locations.
    2. All solicitations by recognized student organizations must be scheduled in advance.
    3. At all locations, solicitors for a specific activity must be active members of the recognized student organization conducting the solicitation. Non-University interests must be sponsored by a recognized student organization. Incorporation of non-University interests may necessitate the use of a University Vendor Agreement to articulate the relationship between the recognized student organization and the other party. This determination will be made by the director of Student Leadership and Involvement or his/her designee.

At University Park:

  1. Canvassing shall be defined as any effort to influence opinions, gain support, or promote a particular cause or interest, specifically excluding any solicitation or fund raising as defined by current University policy. Surveys are not considered canvassing for purposes of this policy.
  2. Students, student organizations, residence hall house governments and area governments, and outside interests are eligible to canvass in the residence halls.
  3. Canvassing may not occur in individual residence areas unless approved by a majority vote of the residents of that area.
  4. Canvassing may occur in the commons area with approved space/table reservation. Canvassing may not occur in residence hall dining areas.
  5. Canvassing shall be restricted to the hours from 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
  6. Any canvassing in the residence hall buildings must register with the Area Assistant Director at least twenty-four hours prior to the canvas and agree to comply with all provisions of canvasing regulations before canvasing may begin. A canvasser who is not a resident of the building in which door to door canvassing is taking place must always be escorted by a resident of the building.
  7. Any canvassing in the common area must have a formal space/table reservation and follow the terms and conditions for reservations and use of common area spaces in the residence hall complexes. This reservation process takes at least five business days to complete and can be done in the Area Residence Life Offices.
  8. When contacting students in their rooms, canvassers must knock before entering, identify themselves, announce their specific purpose, enter an individual room only with the expressed consent of the resident, and leave immediately if the resident so requests.
  9. Canvassers must abide by all University rules and regulations. Violators will be subject to referral to the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response and/or civil or criminal prosecution.

At Commonwealth campuses:

  1. Canvassing in campus residence areas shall be defined as any effort to influence opinions, gain support, or promote a particular cause or interest, specifically excluding any solicitation or fund raising as defined by current University policy. Surveys are not considered canvassing for purposes of this policy.
  2. Students, student organizations, residence hall house governments and area governments, and outside interests are eligible to canvass in the residence halls.
  3. Canvassing may not occur in individual residence areas unless approved by a majority vote of the residents of that area.
  4. Canvassing may occur in the common's buildings with approved space/table reservations. Canvassing may not occur in the residence hall dining area.
  5. Canvassing shall be restricted to the hours from 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
  6. Any canvassing in the residence hall buildings must be registered with the Assistant/Associate Director of Residence Life not less than twenty-four hours prior to the canvass and must agree to comply with all provisions of canvassing regulations before canvassing may begin. A canvasser who is not a resident of the building in which door to door canvassing is taking place must always be escorted by a resident of the building.
  7. Any canvassing in the common's buildings must have a formal space/table reservation and follow the terms and conditions for reservations and use of common area spaces in the residence hall complexes. This reservation process takes at least five business days to complete and can be done in the residence life office.
  8. When contacting students in their rooms, canvassers must knock before entering, identify themselves, announce their specific purpose, enter an individual room only with the expressed consent of the resident, and leave immediately if the resident so requests.
  9. Canvassers must abide by all University rules and regulations. Violators will be subject to loss of 
  10. Canvassing privileges, University disciplinary action, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.
  11. Additional provisions may be established at individual campuses through procedures regularly used for the formation of local policies.

To close an ASA account, the organization must first be listed as “Inactive” with the Student Leadership and Involvement Office, located in 103 HUB. 

  1. Any remaining funds left in the account can be distributed according to the organization’s consensus. The organization must state how it wants the funds to be distributed in a letter format and have 2 additional officers sign the letter in addition to the Treasurer (including the advisor if the organization has one). If the funds are to be dispersed to more than one entity, each entity receiving funds must be listed as well as the dollar amount to be dispersed.
    1. If donating the remaining funds to another student organization, attach the letter to a Transfer Request form and submit the completed form to ASA. Once submitted, the funds will be distributed, and ASA will close the account.
    2. If donating the remaining funds to an outside charity, attach the letter to a Check Request form with 2 signatures and submit the completed form to ASA. ASA will process a check and then close the account. The check can be picked up by the treasurer or mailed directly to the charity (please include a separate letter to send with the check).
    3. If a sponsored student organization or affiliate student organization is closing their ASA account and has unrestricted funds remaining, the Sponsored Student Organization may request the funds to be transferred to their sponsoring or affiliated unit or department.
  2. ASA will automatically inactivate organizations’ accounts that do not have any financial activity for 2 or more consecutive years (financial activity includes the processing of check requests, deposits, transfers, etc.). If there are funds in the account upon inactivation, ASA will transfer these funds from the inactive organization account into a centralized holding account. If, in the future, the organization becomes active again, the organization must ask the Senior Director of the HUB-Robeson Center to reinstate that balance. The Senior Director will make these decisions on a case-by-case basis.
  3. If another circumstance exists that does not fit into one of the above scenarios, the Student Leadership and Involvement Office may need to approve what is being requested. This is determined on a case-by-case basis. 

III. Publications and Other Communication Media

  1. The direct supervision of the operation of any student organization whose primary recognized function is the maintenance of a communication medium shall be vested in a board of directors, which will be composed of student and faculty members. The method of selection of this board shall be specified in the organization's constitution. At Commonwealth campuses, a single board of directors responsible for supervising the operations of all student communications media on campus may be set up in lieu of separate boards of directors for each medium. The method of selection and the terms of office for board members, who shall be full-time students and faculty members, shall be developed with the concurrence of the SGA and the Chancellor. A yearly update of the Board of Directors membership must be submitted to the Student Leadership and Involvement Office with the renewal application. 
  2. The publication by students of any printed matter bearing the name of the University or purporting to emanate from it must be a publication produced by a recognized student organization, the name of which must appear in the publication. Printed matter published by students at The Pennsylvania State University may be sold on campus only if it is produced or sold by a recognized student organization.
  3. Publications of recognized student organizations may be sold or distributed in University Park at locations authorized by the HUB-Robeson Center and, on Commonwealth campuses, at locations authorized by the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee). Publications not produced or published by recognized student organizations may be sold only by recognized organizations and only at locations authorized by the previously identified University offices. Student organizations that publish, sell, or distribute printed or otherwise reproduced materials on the campus shall be responsible for those materials in the areas of libel, invasion of privacy, and obscenity to the civil authorities, the appropriate University authorities, or both. The University's standards in libel, invasion of privacy, and obscenity shall conform to the principles of civil law.

IV. Information Technology

  1. Student organizations may utilize web space through Sites at Penn State are powered by WordPress, a personal publishing platform. When an organization is registered, it must choose a domain name (URL). Web site URLs are in format  + “the name of your choosing.” Social fraternities and sororities will use the domain http://greeks/psu/edu/+ “the governing council” + “the name of your choosing.”  All web spaces must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the University:  Organizations may not change domain names (URLs). Exceptions to this policy may be granted to the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA), the Graduate Student Association (GSA), the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments (CCSG), and organizations that are registered as University Affiliate organizations.
  2. Recognized student organizations that use the platform must adhere to the University Privacy Policy AD 53 ( and are not permitted to store the personally identifiable information (PII) of any student, faculty, staff, vendor, etc., unless the information is redacted or encrypted. 
  1. The contact information included in the Student Organization Directory is intended for the sole purpose of communicating with student organization representatives regarding membership, events specific to the purpose and mission of each respective group, or other business related specifically to the function of each respective group. 
  2. Any other use of email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information requires prior approval from the Student Leadership and Involvement Office, located in room 103 HUB-Robeson Center. 
  3. Examples of uses that require prior written approval include but are not limited to solicitation; political campaigning; advertising; or other mass-communication unrelated to specific respective functions of the groups.
  4. See University policy AD 56 for more information regarding group e-mailing regulations.
  1. Organizations are expected to follow all University policies regarding the use of technology. A list of existing policies specific to Information Technology can be found at the Penn State IT website:
  2. Organizations/Persons found in violation of any policy may be referred to the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response. 

V. Sponsoring Events On Campus

  1. Student organizations planning programs and events in which they will be reserving space through the Event Management Office are required to reserve their event space and/or register their event online at The purpose of registering programs is to gather information about the event/program a group is sponsoring and provide guidance on policies and procedures required for planning the event/program, such as working with minors and programs requiring contracts.
  2. The following types of activities will require completion of the Program Registration:

         i.  Information tables on ground floor of the HUB-Robeson Center if the group will be:

          a.  Collecting money (either donations or selling products)

          b.  Conducting commercial activities

          c.  Holding giveaways

          d.  Events/programs seeking UPAC funding.

        ii.  Events/programs in which groups reserve space through the Event Management Office or 25Live.

       iii. Organizational meetings can be scheduled online at

    3.  Organizations using regularly scheduled meetings to implement programs must register those individual meetings as stand-alone           programs.

    4.  Programs sponsored by recognized student organizations involving minors must comply with University Policy AD-39.

    5.  All events/programs, sponsored by a recognized student organization, which contain sexually explicit or graphically violent material will need to be reviewed in advance by the director of Student Leadership and Involvement or his/her designee at University Park or the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee) at Commonwealth campuses before the request for space will be approved. The group requesting the use of University space may need to agree to certain accommodation before space will be assigned. 

    6.  When reserving a facility to show movies or use copyrighted materials, a release form, letter, or receipt for the purchase of rights giving the student organization approval to show the movie in public or use the material must be provided to the Event Management Office prior to the release of the room.

  1. The Student Government Association (SGA) or the Student Programming Board shall be the co-sponsor of student-initiated and student-funded public entertainment events held on campus for which admission is charged or donations received and involving contracts in the amount of $500 or more and anticipated attendance of 500 or more. With the approval of the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life and the SGA, other recognized organizations may co-sponsor public entertainment events. Such public entertainment events are subject to the concurrence and approval of the Chief Student Affairs Officer and the Chancellor.

VI. Use of University Facilities, Grounds and Property

(Please refer to the Student Guide to General University Policies and Rules 2014-2015, or University Policy Manual, AD-1, AD-2, AD-15, AD-21, AD-51 and SY-44 for more information)

  1. Scope and Purpose: The following regulations provide the basis for authorization for use of University grounds and facilities and establish procedures for such authorized uses. The rights, obligations, and liabilities of authorized users and of other persons seeking to use the campus are defined below. While on University property, persons who are not students or employees of the University are required to adhere to the standards of conduct applicable to members of the University community and to abide by University policies and regulations. The University may require student, staff, or faculty identification for admission to events scheduled in University facilities. These regulations facilitate the effective use and enjoyment of the campus's facilities as an educational institution and ensure the right of free expression and advocacy. Orderly procedures are necessary to promote the use of facilities and free expression and advocacy, to conserve and protect facilities for educational use, and to minimize potential conflict between the right of free expression and the rights of others. Further, these regulations exist to prevent interference with University functions and responsibilities as an educational institution.
  2. The word "commercial" as used in the following regulations means any activity or event that results in a personal financial gain for the vendor or organization. Activities shall not be deemed commercial if vendors were invited by a student organization, the activity was approved, and appropriate vendor agreements were completed.

    Scheduling and Use of University Facilities, Grounds and Property

    1. Conditions for use of University Facilities, Grounds and Property:

    i. Assurance that all University regulations, local, state, and federal laws concerning fire and safety regulations, property or equipment use, security, and conduct can and will be followed.

    ii. Assurances that any financial obligations arising from the activity can and will be satisfied by the sponsor.

    iii. Precautions to assure the physical safety and health of the participants.

    iv. Coordination of timing of each event to prevent conflict with previously scheduled activities

    v. No person or group other than the reserving sponsor may use the reserved space.

    vi. Recognized undergraduate student organizations shall not serve alcoholic beverages at any on-campus functions.

    vii. Recognized graduate student organizations may serve alcoholic beverages at on-campus locations as approved by the University.

    viii. Any graduate student organization requesting the use of alcoholic beverages in areas open to the public must send their request to the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs or her/his designee for review. After review, appropriate requests will be forwarded to the appropriate administrative office for approval as set forth in University policy AD-18.

    ix. No Registered Student Organization (RSO) or Affiliate Student Organization (ASO) organization may schedule or sponsor any events on or off campus beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday after the last day of classes, through 8 a.m. the Monday following final exams. Ceremonial events to honor graduating seniors, or Events for Religious Holidays are permitted during finals week. Participation in events scheduled by conferences, regional, or national affiliates is also permitted during this time. Exceptions to this policy can be made by the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement (or his/her designee) and the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee) at Commonwealth campuses.

    x. Where the University anticipates that the number of attendees will exceed the space available, tickets will be required, and priority will be given to students, faculty, and staff.

    xi. In any event where the University has reasonable concerns about security and safety caused by the possible attendance of non-University individuals, the University will limit admission to the event to students, faculty, and staff with university identification cards. Additionally, time, place, and manner modifications may be imposed consistent with University Policy AD02.

    Charges for Use of University Facilities

    1. For events at which admission is free or no donations solicited, the University may charge, based on the cost to the University, for:

    xii. Special arrangements needed by the user of the facility impose identifiable costs on the University.

    xiii. Identifiable increments to the University’s operating or overhead expense imposed by the facility.

    xiv. Events after building closing hours or on weekends; the University also may impose costs necessary to assure adequate protection of University buildings and facilities.

    2. For events at which admission is charged or donations are solicited, the University may charge rental charges for its facilities and for charges indicated in Section (VI)A.3. a. above.

    3. Records showing the events for which charges were made by the University and the amount and basis of the charges will be public information.

    Use of University Facilities by Non-University Speakers or Performers

    1. A student organization inviting and providing compensation (honoraria, travel expenses, meals, etc.) to a non-University person to speak or perform at a meeting or other event on the campus must complete a University Standardized Agreement before the event. At University Park students must contact the Program Registration Office, 125A HUB-Robeson Center to go through the Program Registration process. Deadlines regarding University Standardized Agreements will be determined during Program Registration. At Commonwealth campuses student organizations need to contact the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life for University Standardized Agreements and deadlines.

    2. In accordance with the free traditions of a university community, audiences shall be allowed to ask questions of speakers unless considerations of time, format, or the like indicate otherwise.

    3. At University Park, the President or the President’s designee, and at Commonwealth campuses the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee for such matters, may require that the event be chaired by a tenured member of the teaching or administrative staff. In such circumstances the University will assist the organization in securing a chairperson.

    4. At University Park, the President or the President’s designee and at Commonwealth campuses, the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee for such matters must approve the use of University facilities by non-University organizations, whether affiliated or acting jointly with sponsors authorized to use University facilities.

    5. It is assumed that all events are open to those wishing to attend unless previous publicity indicates these events are for students or members only.

    Outdoor Meetings and Other Events 

    Please refer to Policy AD-51 (

    1. Procedures for Reserving Facilities and Registering Events

    2. Students/Student organizations must contact the Event Management Office at University Park or begin the process at At Commonwealth campuses, contact the office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer (or his/her designee).

    Posters, Notices, Handbills, Banners

    a. Except as permitted herein, no poster, handbill, banner or any other form of announcement or statement may be placed on, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus such as doors, poles, gates, fences, trees or other vegetation, windows, sides of buildings, the surface of walkways or roads, fountains, posts, waste receptacles, or stakes. Sidewalk chalk is not permitted on University property

    b. An individual or organization may have noncommercial announcements posted on the University’s general purpose bulletin boards. General purpose bulletin boards are those bulletin boards not specifically labeled for or dedicated to a specific purpose. The names ofall employees, students, and/or recognized student organizations must be prominently displayed on all announcements and banners.

    c. An individual or organization may have a banner placed in one of the designated spaces in the following areas:

    i. Osmond Lab

    ii. HUB-Robeson Center

    iii. Placement of a banner in one of these areas will be permitted only upon prior approval of and subject to reasonable procedures and requirements regarding scheduling and use of these areas as developed by the University offices responsible for such areas. Information on these procedures and requirements should be obtained from the Event Management Office ( Or Office of University Relations.

    d. Any student organization that defaces or damages any University property will be referred to the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response.

At University Park

  1. Any student organization recognized at Penn State wishing to sponsor student activities that require the use of University facilities must initiate its request with the Event Management Office or online at Student organizations wishing to use the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center-Eisenhower Chapel (814-865-6548) and Residence Hall facilities must contact the appropriate offices directly or reserve space online at
  2. A Registered Student Organization may reserve campus facilities only through one of its officers or a designated active student member authorized to apply for such reservations. A Sponsored Student Organization or Affiliate Student Organizations may reserve campus facilities through one of its officers, a designative active member authorized to apply for such reservations, or the sponsoring or affiliated unit or department.
  3. Permission for the use of central lounges and community living areas must be received from the area Residence Life Office.
  4. The authority for scheduling the use of the HUB-Robeson Center shall be delegated by the University to the senior director for the HUB-Robeson Center or his/her designee. The HUB-Robeson Advisory Board makes recommendations to the HUB-Robeson Center management in matters regarding the assignment of student organization office space.
  5. The Event Management Office will assist recognized student organizations with the reservation of the HUB-Robeson Center. 
  6. The Event Management Office will contact various offices to assist recognized student organizations with the reservation of University facilities.
  7. No reservation is complete until approved by the Event Management Office. These personnel may refuse to approve an application for reservation or may cancel a previously approved application for reservation if the conditions for use of University facilities have been violated or are unenforceable. Appeals of decisions may be made to the senior director of the HUB-Robeson Center. 
  8. Recognized student organizations, its officers, and any individual applying to reserve University facilities on behalf of an organization is responsible for:
    1. Damages to the facilities used, including any financial loss to the University or a recognized student organization because of the temporary closing of facilities.
  9. Leaving University facilities in the same condition in which they were found at the beginning of the reserved time.
    1. Using equipment in the space only as authorized. 
    2. Using the facilities for the purpose for which they were reserved for and only for the time reserved.
    3. Any violations of University regulations and/or local, state, and federal laws that occur in connection with their use of the facilities;
    4. Not permitting the reserved facility to be used by other groups or individuals. 
    5. The behavior of all attendees and guests at their event.
    6. Cancelling reserved space that will not be used.
    7. Adhering to guidelines and policies of the reserved space agreement.
    8. An officer or individual applying for the reservation is not subject to disciplinary action for violation of items (a-d) above unless he/she/they has/have planned or participated in the violation or should have foreseen the possibility of violation. However, the student organization will be subject to disciplinary action as previously described in section (I)G.1.
  10. Officers and members of student organizations that have office space on campus are responsible for:
    1. Maintaining a clean office that does not result in any health or fire hazards.
    2. Adhering to the HUB-Robeson Center Student Organization Office Policies for offices in the HUB-Robeson Center. (

At Commonwealth campuses

  1. Any Registered Student Organization wishing to sponsor student activities that requires the use of University facilities must initiate its request with the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life, which will advise the group of the availability of the facilities and determine if the group is eligible to use University facilities. Any Sponsored Student Organization or Affiliate Student Organization wishing to sponsor student activities that requires the use of University facilities should initiate its request with the sponsoring or affiliated unit or department which will advise the organization on the process for utilization of University facilities. 
  2.  A Registered Student Organization may reserve campus facilities only through one of its officers or a designated active student member authorized to apply for such reservations. A Sponsored Student Organization or Affiliate Student Organizations may reserve campus facilities through one of its officers, a designative active member authorized to apply for such reservations, or the sponsoring or affiliated unit or department.
  3. When applicable to the campus, use of residence hall lounge areas is limited to those groups whose programs are open to residents of all buildings. Permission for use of lounge areas in the individual residence halls must be received from the residence hall staff on duty. Permission for the use of the central lounges of community living areas must be received from the Residence Life Office. 
  4. No reservation is complete until approved by the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life, which may refuse to approve an application for reservation or may cancel a previously approved application for reservation if the conditions for use of University facilities have been violated or are unenforceable. Appeals of decisions may be made through the Office of Student Affairs to the Chancellor.
  5. Responsibilities of organizations using University facilities: A recognized student organization, its officers, and any authorized individual applying to reserve facilities on behalf of the organization are responsible for: 
    1. Damages to the facilities used, including any financial loss to the University or a recognized student organization because of a temporary closing of facilities; 
    2. The use to which the facilities are put during the time reserved; 
    3. Any violations of University regulations and/or local, state, and federal laws that occur in connection with their use of the facilities; 
    4. Not permitting the reserved facility to be used by other groups or individuals. 
    5. An officer or individual applying for the reservation is not subject to disciplinary action for violation of items (a-d) above unless he/she/they has/have planned or participated in the violation or should have foreseen the possibility of violation. 

The scheduling function for information tables is maintained in the Event Management Office at University Park and by the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life at Commonwealth campuses. A list of authorized table locations is available at these offices. Reservations for information tables at University Park can be made at

  1. Recognized student organizations may reserve an information table in locations designated by the University. The organization must reserve the table location in advance of its intended use. Reservations for spaces will be made in order of submission. Specific numbers and locations for tables are designated. Other individuals or organizations may not reserve a table except as otherwise authorized by the University. No organization other than the reserving organization may use the table.
  2. Tables shall be staffed by at least one enrolled full-time student member of the organization. The name of the sponsoring organization must be displayed at each table.
  3. Tables may be used to exhibit or distribute free noncommercial announcements, statements, and materials. Distributing, soliciting, or selling by means of accosting individuals or by hawking or shouting is prohibited. Fund-raising activities and solicitation shall comply with those regulations. At Commonwealth campuses consult the Office of Student Affairs/Student Life for specific procedures regarding the use of tables.

VII. Student Organization Travel

All students and/or student organizations must register their trip prior to the departure date. Student Organization travel includes all modes of transportation, lodging, and registration for conferences, competitions, performances, service trips, field trips and student organization retreats. Trips that are out of the local area OR overnight must be registered. Forms and additional information about registering travel can be found online at

At University Park

  1. For Domestic Travel, a Travel Registration Form, participant roster, travel itinerary, and detailed day by day itinerary must be submitted through OrgCentral at
  2. For International Travel, the trip leader must meet with the Director of Student Leadership and Involvement or their designee to review the travel requirements and register the trip through the Travel Safety Network ( Additional information is available on the website above. Requirements of international travel include, but are not limited to:
    1. All participants must be Penn State students, faculty, or staff.
    2. Two faculty or staff members must accompany all student organization sponsored travel on which five or more students are traveling.
    3. No one under the age of 18 may participate.
    4. All trips must be registered, and each participant must complete their trip profile in the Travel Safety Network.
    5. If planning to travel to a country on the Department of State’s traveling warning list, a petition must be completed in the Travel Safety Network. If the petition is approved, all requirements must be met. No travel plans should be coordinated prior to receiving approval to travel.
  3. Failure to register travel, thoroughly and accurately prior to the departure date, will result in the individual and/or student organization not being eligible for reimbursement for travel expenses.
  4. Travel must be registered regardless of funding source (UPAC, ASA account, academic departments, individuals, etc.)

At Commonwealth Campuses:

  1. Contact the Office of Student Affairs/Office of Student Life to register to travel.
  1. Students may book their transportation using any nationally recognized company through the company itself, a travel agency, or the internet. To charter a bus, the company must be listed on the Risk Management’s approved charter bus list. ( These companies have met the University’s insurance requirements. These policies apply regardless of the source of funding (UPAC, ASA account, academic departments, individuals, etc.).

VIII. Student Organization Insurance

Overview of Liability Insurance Coverage For Recognized Student Organizations Of The Pennsylvania State University

  • NAMED INSURED: Recognized Student Organizations of The Pennsylvania State University
  • POLICY EFFECTIVE DATES: July 1, 2024 to July 1, 2025
  • INSURANCE CARRIER: Nittany Insurance Company
  • POLICY #: 320-1-RSO 013
    • General Liability: $1 Million per Occurrence, $3 Million Policy Aggregate
    • Excess Non-owned Auto Liability: $1 Million Combined Single Limit

Insurance Coverages:    

General Liability

This provides liability insurance to Recognized Student Organizations (“Organizations” or “RSO”) * for Bodily Injury and Property Damage to “third parties” (an entity or person unrelated to the Student Organization).  Claims could arise from the premises used (such as trip and falls), activities and operations, service of food, or contracts entered into. There is no product liability insurance coverage except for approved food products and food service. This General Liability insurance coverage will apply in excess of other primary liability insurance that a RSO may already have (such as from a national association or organization that the RSO is insured by). If no other primary liability insurance is in place, then this insurance is primary. 

This insurance will apply when external entities require that the RSO show evidence of liability insurance before permitting an RSO event to take place on the outside entity’s premises (such as a picnic, car wash, spaghetti dinner, etc.). This insurance DOES NOT apply to Penn State University student organizations affiliated with a Greek Council (fraternities and sororities) and booster clubs affiliate with sport organizations. If there are any questions, please ask the Student Leadership and Involvement Office at University Park or your Campus Student Affairs Office for clarification.

  • Sample Coverage Exclusions (Items Not Covered) – this list is not exhaustive:
    • Expected or Intended Injury
    • Workers’ Compensation
    • Employer’s Liability
    • Pollution Liability
    • Aviation Liability (including drones (unmanned aerial vehicles, or “UAV’s”)
    • Electronic Data Liability
    • Violation of Statutes
    • Liquor Liability (if the student organization manufactures, distributes, sells, serves, or furnishes alcoholic beverages there is no coverage for resulting injury).

Excess Non-owned Auto Liability 

This provides RSO’s* with limited excess Auto Liability insurance for Bodily Injury or Property Damage that arises out of the use of vehicles for Student Organization activities and business (such as making a delivery or going to the post office in someone’s personal car), for vehicles not owned by the RSO. This is not primary automobile insurance suitable for driving motor vehicles or mobile equipment of any type, including rented vehicles, nor does it provide insurance coverage to the driver or to the vehicle owner. Rather, it covers the RSO with excess insurance for liability arising from vehicle use on the RSO’s behalf. The vehicle owner or renter must carry or purchase their own auto liability and physical damage (comprehensive and collision) insurance on the vehicle. This insurance is excess of the vehicle owner’s liability insurance. If there are any questions, please ask the Student Leadership and Involvement Office at University Park or your Campus Student Affairs Office for clarification.

  • Sample Coverage Exclusions (Items Not Covered) – this list is not exhaustive:
    • Expected or Intended Injury
    • No-Fault Injury Coverage to passengers
    • Workers’ Compensation
    • Employer’s Liability
    • Pollution Liability
    • Cargo
    • Racing
    • Physical Damage (comprehensive and collision) to the vehicle itself.

Evidence of Insurance Coverage – "Insurance Certificates"

RSO’s* may be required to provide evidence of insurance coverage to an outside entity (such as when using or renting a facility).  In those situations, there are 2 ways to obtain an Insurance Certificate:

  1. Standard Certificates – a standard insurance certificate can be viewed and downloaded from OrgCentral.
    This certificate should satisfy most situations.
  2. Special Request Certificates - should the above standard certificate not be satisfactory to the outside entity, please complete the enclosed “Special Request for Certificates of Insurance” and submit it on OrgCentral All documentation detailing the need for the Special Certificate (such as special wording, contracts, etc.) must be included with the submission form.

Claims, Incidents, and Other Circumstances

If any member, Officer or Advisor of a RSO becomes aware of any incident which results an injury or property damage, or learns of circumstances which could lead to a claim against the RSO, the Officers and Advisor have an immediate duty to notify the appropriate office by the next business day.

Awareness of circumstances may come in the form of a letter, email or telephone call from a person or entity claiming to have been injured or suffered property damage, or from an attorney on their behalf, or by the nature of the event itself.

  1. Incident Report Form – found at OrgCentral and available to print and fill out on the Student Organization Insurance website.
    1. At University Park: Complete an Incident Report Form on OrgCentral at
    2. At Commonwealth Campuses: Please print and complete the Commonwealth Campus Incident Report Form found at and submit it to the Student Life/Student Affairs office.

These completed incident report forms will be reported to the insurance carrier by the Risk Management Office. 

  • It is important to file the Incident report Form promptly!  Failure to do so may result in denial of coverage thus leaving the Organization or Club on its own to pay and/or defend a claim.

*  = Recognized Student Organization (“RSO”) includes all organizations recognized by the Division of Student Affairs through their recognition process, regardless of Campus, including “Club Sports” where officially recognized.

If you would like a printer friendly version of these Policies & Rules for Student Organizations, please contact the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement at (814) 863-4624 or email