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Religious and Spiritual Student Organization Resources

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development provides office space to a variety of religious/spiritual student organizations. Many of the recognized religious/spiritual student organizations on campus are affiliated with the center. These groups uphold certain standards including a Code of Ethics and the Policies and Rules for Student Organizations. They are able to worship, study, hold programs and events, and socialize in the facility.

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development welcomes the use of symbols and traditions. From art displays, high holidays, programs, weddings and memorial services we celebrate and honor the cultural differences among the organizations and we try to actively use those differences to educate one another.

Request a Program from the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development

Submit information using one of these forms!

Association Application Religious and spiritual recognized student organizations complete this application annually to gain certain benefits at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.

Obtain an Office/Storage Space in the Spiritual Center Religious and spiritual recognized student organizations may request the use of storage or office space at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. As long as the organization is in good standing with the University, available space will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

Digital Marketing Submissions Religious and spiritual recognized student organizations may submit marketing materials to run on the digital sign in the Spiritual Center and/or in the weekly newsletter composed by the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development. Artwork should be 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels in size (6.4 inches by 3.6 inches in size) in the landscape/horizontal orientation for digital signage. Images for the newsletter should either be portrait/vertical or square (like a social media post).

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development invites students to request meetings with a religious or spiritual advisor. By completing a brief online form, students will get connected with a religious/spiritual advisor within 48 hours. Simply visit to start the process.

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development (CSED) offers funding to recognized religious and spiritual student organizations at Penn State, University Park; especially if your student group is interested in working with other groups or CSED to plan a multi-faith program!

Funding requests must be submitted no less than 2 weeks before your proposed event. Minimum program requirements are listed below.

All proposed collaborative event should:
-clearly align with the mission of the Center as a multi-faith learning community
-primarily serve current Penn State students
-charge no admission

Please note that your group must be a designated religious/spiritual group at the University Park campus and be in good standing with the University in order to be eligible. Preference will be given to events involving at least 2 student groups of different beliefs.


111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center/Eisenhower Chapel
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6548


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Updated Facility Hours:
Monday - Sunday 
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram at psu.spiritual


Wedding Information