Parent & Family Checklist
Connect with Penn State
- Connect with the Parent & Family Experience to receive emails
- Learn about the support provided by the Parents Program
- Connect with Penn State and the Parents Program on Facebook and Instagram
- Follow PSUAlert on X (formerly Twitter) or ask your student to add you the PSUAlert email list
- Learn about New Student Orientation
- Visit the Quick Links page to connect to additional campus resources
Arrival Information
- Visit our arrival page for information about your student's arrival to campus
- Select your student's campus and then the semester
- Stop by the Parents Program information table or event to meet current families and get answers to questions (details will be shared via the Parent and Family Experience emails)
Health Care
- All incoming students must submit immunization records before their New Student Orientation. Visit the Immunization website for more information
- All full-time domestic students are required to submit their health insurance coverage information via LionPATH after registering for classes
- Remind your student to copy and bring insurance and prescription cards with them
- Remind your student to bring information about their current and maintenance prescription medications
Tuition & Student Information
- Learn about FERPA and how your access to student information changes in college
- Remind your student to check their Penn State email account frequently (University offices/departments communicate important information to the student's Penn State email address
- Ask your student if they received the email with the tuition bill (in most situations, students receive a tuition bill after registering for classes at NSO)
- Remind your student to consent to do business electronically and to sign the Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA) in LionPATH before enrolling for classes
- Discuss getting online access with your student, as they must "delegate access" to you in order for parents to view student information
- If you are paying tuition, ask your student to add you as an "authorized payer" on their account
- Plan for future semesters at
- Add funds to student's LionCash account
Discuss with Your Student
- Remind your student to complete online modules
- Encourage your student to participate in Welcome Week activities:
- Discuss campus safety and decisions regarding alcohol and drug use/abuse
- Discuss time management, study skills, and mutual expectations for staying in touch
- Talk about how your student will finance their education
- Explore programs and services available to assist your student
- Provide a reminder of life skills (including doing laundry, managing a bank account, eating well, accessing healthcare)
- Remind your student to add their cell phone number to the PSU Alert System at to receive text and/or voice alerts.
Family Weekend
- Learn more about Family Weekend