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Quick Links to Campus Resources

Helping your student identify resources is an important way you can assist in their development as they learn to navigate campus and other situations that may arise.

Whenever possible, let your student be the one to contact the office, ask questions, or locate resources. This helps your student develop relationships on campus,  create a portfolio of resources, and practice problem-solving skills that will benefit them while they are a student and beyond. 

My student needs information about: 
  • Help and Tutorials for:
    • Setting Up/Using Delegated Access
    • Consent to Do Business Electronically
    • Adding/Updating Authorized Payer

Quick Guide to "Problem-Solving" Resources

As one of your student’s most trusted sources of support, they may contact you when they hit a bump in the road. They may tell you about a grade, a roommate issue, a challenging class, etc. Don’t try and solve their problem, it is important for students to advocate for their own needs and learn how to solve their own problems. If your student shares an issue, you should listen, encourage problem solving, and support their decision (even if you don’t agree).

If you aren’t sure who to contact, call or email the Parents Program at 814-863-1313 or

Is your student attending class regularly? Encourage your student to meet with their professor and/or academic adviser to discuss grades, attendance, test preparation or other related issues. All faculty hold weekly office hours that students and encouraging your student to visit the professor during office hours often is more productive than trying to speak with a professor before or after class. Penn State Learning offers tutoring and guided study groups to students.  

Resources for Students

Share your views on illegal and/or excessive drinking.  Talk with your student about how much they are drinking and how it might be affecting their health, safety, and academics.  Ask your student if they would make an appointment to talk with someone in Health Promotion and Wellness.

Resources for Students

If your student shares an incident of racial/other bias, harassment, or discrimination, they should report it by visiting Students can connect with a variety of resources for support.

Resources for Students

When a student participates in behaviors that may violate the University's Code of Conduct and/or local, state, or federal law, there may be consequences through both the University and local law enforcement.  As you provide support to your student through these processes, take a look at the Student Conduct and Student Legal Services websites.  For situations that occur in the residence halls, Residence Life, may be an appropriate resource.

Resources for Students

Remind your student to check the drop deadline date and consult with their academic adviser. Discourage dropping a class until every other possibility is exhausted. Dropping a class can impact your student’s financial aid and other opportunities such a joining a fraternity or sorority. Students may not receive a tuition refund if they drop classes after the start of the semester.

Resources for Students

Keep your student informed about any serious family illnesses, if possible. Make sure your student is not alone when receiving bad news. A roommate or close friend should help. Encourage your student to seek help if they are struggling with anxiety or grief.

Resources for Students

Prepare your student before school starts; schedule a time when they will visit home or when you will visit campus; encourage out-of-class activities; reassure your student that homesickness is to be expected and encourage your student to seek help if necessary. Let your student know that the feelings will subside as they feel more and more connected to people, classes, and groups on campus. Limit home visits during the first six weeks to facilitate and support college transition.

Resources for Students

Your student should visit University Health Services. Reassure your student that antibiotics are not always necessary and won’t be given unless there is evidence of an infection. In the event of an emergency, they should go to the local emergency room at Mount Nittany Medical Center.

Resources for Students

The first person your student should talk to is their roommate. Encourage your student to take time to work through conflicts; discuss the educational value of learning to get along with someone different; and encourage open communication.

Resources for Students

If your student is a victim of sexual misconduct or assault, listen to them and let them share what they feel comfortable sharing. They can seek confidential medical and emotional support on campus. Encourage your student to report the incident to the Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response.

If your student is accused of sexual misconduct; it will be a stressful time. Provide support as your student goes through the investigative process. They may be sanctioned if found responsible.

Resources for Students

It is not uncommon for students to talk about transferring, especially during the first year. Be patient, listen, and help them evaluate their options.

Resources for Students