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College is a stressful time for students. Compared to high school, college courses are more challenging and intense. Many students are also dealing with the added stress of managing time, balancing social obligations, organizational involvement,  and the responsibilities of living on their own for the first time. 

Managing stress isn't easy and it takes practice to develop strategies and techniques. Health Promotion and Wellness is here to help. We offer free one-on-one services with peer educators to help students learn stress management and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and yoga.

We understand that sometimes something as simple as a walk outdoors or a pickup game with friends can be relaxing. We encourage you to explore our services and learn more about how we can help you.

Stress Management 101 

Health Promotion and Wellness offers a short self-guided course to help you manage and reduce your stress. This course will help you:

  • develop your understanding of stress and how it impacts your life 
  • identify your stressors  
  • develop coping strategies and tools to manage your stress